Chapter Ten

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Hello again! Chapter ten is out! I really hope you like it. Chapter nine was sort of emotional. It's not like I support abuse or anything, so please don't think I do... but anyway,



Chapter Ten

Haley's POV

I lift my head and look around. It's dark, too dark for my liking. I whip my head back and forth and smile weakly when I see a fraction of moonlight shine through the small basement window.

I want to get up, to sit in the only light that will be in tonight, but I'm too weak. He's hurt my legs and arms too much, and I don't think I'm strong enough at the moment to get up.

So I just lay back on the bed and turn my head so I'm staring at the moonlight that shines onto the floor.

Suddenly, the basement door whips open, and my dad trudges down the stairs. He walks over to me and stands next to the bed, looming over what he thinks is me sleeping. I keep my eyes closed and just wait for him to leave, but I can still feel his presence.

I feel his cold touch on my arm, and it slides down, rubbing the welted area, making me hold back tears so he doesn't figure out that I'm awake. "I wish you weren't such a bad girl, Haley. Your mother would've wanted it this way, for me to discipline you. I don't hate you, I love you, very much. I hate doing this to you, but it's what she would've wanted," he mumbles.

I clench my right fist at my side and hope to God that he doesn't find out that I'm awake. I suddenly feel a belt hit me, and feel a burning in my back and stomach. "What are you doing?" I scream, trying to curl into a ball.

He suddenly stops and drops the belt to the floor, standing over my curled up body. He's breathing heavily and I can see his chest rise and fall rapidly. "If only you knew, Haley. If only you knew how much I love you," he says.

I frown, and hope he can't see it in the darkness. Loves me? Who beats their child out of love? "You do?" I ask, my breath coming out shaky.

I see him nod. "Yes, Haley. Are you ready to go back up to your bedroom?" he asks, his breathing falling to a normal speed. I sit up and look up to where his face is.

"Yes," I say, feeling my breath almost hitch in my throat.

He grabs me by my arm and pulls me into a hug, one that almost knocks the wind out of me. "Don't you ever doubt for a second that I don't love you, because I do," he whispers lovingly into my ear.

But I don't believe him, it's just a full blown lie that he's good at telling me so he can make me vulnerable. I stove my face into his shirt and clench it tight. "I love you, too, dad," I lie, forcing tears to spill so I can at least get on with my lie. I don't want to be hurt more just for not saying it back.

He lets go, then allows me go before him as I walk up to my bedroom. I climb the stairs and fight back the tears that threaten to spill over due to the pain and soreness he's caused.

I finally make it to my room and lightly lay on my bed. It hurts, but at least I don't have to sleep in that scary basement tonight.


I lift my head up and whip it around, realizing what time it is. I rushed downstairs with my messy hair and clothes on from yesterday. I didn't feel like changing last night, so I didn't.

I grit my teeth at the pain, which seems worse than last night, and look around the kitchen. It's empty.

Then it finally occurs to me. No school today, tomorrow, or for the rest of the week. I have to spend the whole week in this hell hole until next week Monday, and it's only Wednesday.

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