Chapter Fifteen

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So, I know that last chapter was kinda short, but it was a perfect place to cut it off at. Don't forget to read Having To Breathe!! It's a really good book and this chapter goes to the author, Abby(@6thdean), for telling me that our stories should collide together! I love you, girl! But anyways,



Chapter Fifteen

Ethan's POV

I hop out of my truck and rush into Haley's front door to find her passed out on the floor. I run over to her and see that her body is battered and bruised. Her dad must have caught her.

"You know, you can't just barge in here and do whatever you want," a deep voice says behind me.

I turn around and come face to face with Haley's dad. That bastard. "What did you do?" I yell.

He crosses his arms and smirks at me. "Oh, Ethan, I think you know what I did. You've known all along, haven't you? Did the little bitch tell you?"

I furrow my eyebrows at him. "Haley isn't a bitch. How could you say that about your own daughter? How could you even hit her?"

My hands find Haley and I feel her shallow breaths. She's cold, and feels like she could die any moment now. I feel a thick liquid on the floor. My hands search it, trying to identify it in the dim lighting. I recognize it as blood, and lots of it.

"Easy, you silly boy. Haley isn't an obedient child. She just doesn't know how to follow my rules," he says, acting as if she's the crazy one.

I look down at my hands, then up at him. "You asshole!" I yell, tears threatening to spill over.

"Get the fuck out of my house!" he yells, spit flying from his anger. "A man should never be trash-talked in his own home!"

I turn away from him and pick Haley up in my arms. "I'm not leaving without her."

"Fine. Take the bitch. It's not like I love her anyways."

I try everything I can to keep my words in my mouth, but my face feels hot from keeping it in any longer. I manage to hold it in, and I carry Haley out to my truck.

I get in and floor it to the hospital. The whole ride there, tears spilled over and I couldn't stop looking from her to the road. She would've had a wonderful time tonight if her dad didn't hurt her. She could have been free for at least one night.

As soon as I pull into the ER parking lot, I park next to the doorway and honk the horn. A few paramedics rush towards my truck and they take Haley away on a gurney.

I ball my fists up and hit the steering wheel once, twice, three times until I finally force myself out of my truck to go and wait for her in the waiting room.

I run through the halls and look from left to right to try to find anyone who can tell me where to go. I look behind a counter to see a young-looking girl that looks very familiar. "Hello, how may I--" she stops and squints up at me. "You're Ethan Prior, right?"

I nod, then rest my arms on the counter. "How do you know me?" I ask. I rub my face with one hand, and run it through my hair.

"We go to the same school."

My eyes widen, then I look at the ceiling to try to remember her. "Are you that girl who sells drugs?"

The happiness on her face drops and she looks away from me. "It's not what you think," she says, looking very embarrassed.

"I'm sure," I say sarcastically. "So, how much trouble did you get in?"

"I'm on probation for a month."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2017 ⏰

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