Too good to be true.

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Angel man: I think for now it' enough, you look exhausted.
Me: Yes, It's too many memories and emotions. I'm emotionally tired.
Angel man: Now if you let me I'm gonna show you what could have happened If you left your wedding and ran back to Danny.
Me: okay, but it will only be a fantasy, my future doesn't exist yet.
Angel man: Yes that's why I said, what could have happened and not what would happen.
Me: Okay I'm ready for fairytale.
Angel man: But only thing is, you won't be able to see his real face, you'll see him as you have imagined in your head.
Me: okay. It doesn't matter.
One week after my wedding with Jack. Everyone's mad at me but I'm lying in the arms of my real and only love, Danny. We're on the yacht, traveling around the Europe. My phone is turned off, Jack probably hates me, everyone hates me, but I'm happy and I can't control it. I don't know why I forgave him so easily, he abandoned me for years, I don't know why,
but my brain was telling me that he had his truth and I had forgiven him. It was unusual. But we always dreamed of traveling the world and it was better future than I have ever imagined for us, but it was unrealistic.

  When we turned back home, no one was angry with me except Jack, of course because it was my dream and I wanted it that way, everyone seemed to know the reason why he left me and they were welcoming Danny at our house

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When we turned back home, no one was angry with me except Jack, of course because it was my dream and I wanted it that way, everyone seemed to know the reason why he left me and they were welcoming Danny at our house. My mother hugged him as his own son, she loved him unconditionally as he grew up with me. But when he left me, she freaked out and hated him with all her heart. Nessa was happy for us, but she was the one who made me believe Danny wasn't worth of my tears.
Next place was our wedding day, and it felt way better than my actual and real wedding, I was watching myself in the mirror and couldn't stop smiling. I saw Danny through the mirror and he was looking at me like I was the most beautiful and incredible person in this whole world. I realized that I wasn't really happy on my wedding ceremony with Jack, I realized that it wasn't the feeling "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with this man, Jack". But with Danny, I was more excited about my future life with him than this ceremony.
Next place was our big mansion with pool and huge balcony. I couldn't believe my eyes. We were sitting in front of fireplace with our old cat, Mason.
Danny: Look how well we settled down. As we always believed we are connected, whatever happens in our life I'm yours and you're mine, forever.
Me: I can't believe this is happening, I wish it was all real.
Danny: What do you mean? Our relationship is the realest thing I have ever seen.
Me: Yes of course it is.
Next place was a seaside, I was lying on the sand and I was watching love of my life playing with two little girls. One girl was copy of me, her hair was as curly and black as mine in my childhood, she had my nose, celestial shaped, brown eyes and full lips. And the other was a mix of me and Danny straight brunette hair, my nose, Danny's eyes and eyebrows and full lips. Next to me was sitting a little boy the littlest one of all children and he reminded me of Danny's childhood, he was just a little version of him. I remember everyone always told us that, even though we were the most toxic couple, our children would look like models.And they were absolutely right those children were stunning. It was heaven on earth.

   I've always imagined my future with Danny as struggle, full with love and happiness but also full with problems, as he was an irresponsible person

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I've always imagined my future with Danny as struggle, full with love and happiness but also full with problems, as he was an irresponsible person. But I saw a dad who loved his children cared for them and provided for us all.
Next thing I saw was, me coming back from an exhausting day of work. I opened the door and saw Danny who was standing next to the table,
with romantic supper. Children were asleep. It was a scene from a romantic movie.

   Next place was a vacation with my sister and his husband

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Next place was a vacation with my sister and his husband. Danny was friends with him. We were having a great time on Hawaii. It was unbelievable. I've always wanted my husband to be friends with Nessa's husband. It looked like we all were just like best friends, it seemed like we spent a lot of time together.

    Christmas night, we all looked beautiful, the whole family together, my parents, my sister with her children and husband, me and my Danny with our children

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Christmas night, we all looked beautiful, the whole family together, my parents, my sister with her children and husband, me and my Danny with our children. It seemed like we were 40-45 and my feelings for Danny were absolutely the same. My heart was filled with unbelievable amount of happiness.
I wanted it to be real so bad. I would sell my soul to devil for this life with Danny. I wanted to forgive him, and have this life , but no one was asking for forgiveness, and no one guaranteed me this life. So I started to think of Jack, my real husband and my real life and I felt nauseous, I wanted to poke my eyes out. I hated my life and myself, but mostly I hated Danny, for leaving me with all my dreams and hopes, all alone.

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