Photo album.

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Man offered me to go through his albums and of course I agreed. First picture was from his childhood, it felt like I had seen this picture or this newborn somewhere.

 First picture was from his childhood, it felt like I had seen this picture or this newborn somewhere

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On the next page there was a picture of me and Danny from my 15th birthday party. I'm blowing the candles on my cake and he's kissing me on the cheek. I still have the video of this moment on my phone. We were still just friends, but I think Danny was already falling for me. We were playing and dancing and singing, we laughed and had a really great time. My sister called me and asked me to go to the toilet with her.
Nessa: Do you love each other?
Me: Danny and I? no of course we don't.
Nessa: But you look like a couple, who are unconditionally in love with each other. You act
like there's no one else but you two.
Me: No it's not right. We are just friends and I'm just happy for my birthday as always.
After this party, I couldn't sleep, it was my first sleepless night for Danny, I was watching the video of me blowing the candles on repeat just to see the moment he kissed me. I didn't know what was going on with me, I was sure it wasn't love, but whatever this feeling was it didn't let me
There was a picture of me from our first vacation together. Danny took this picture of me. I didn't like the way I looked in it, but he loved it. I was 17 and he was 18.

     My parents were really strict, but when I told my mother I got back with Danny and when she saw, how happy I was, she let me go on vacation with him

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My parents were really strict, but when I told my mother I got back with Danny and when she saw, how happy I was, she let me go on vacation with him. Danny always thought that my mother hated him, but I don't know why. My mother loved everyone, who loved me and appreciated my presence, especially Danny, as she always told me it was hard not to notice how deeply he cared for me and how much he loved me.
I remember the night me and Nessa were packing for my trip with Danny. We were listening to the songs, Nessa chose matching underwear for me. I was trying on everything I was taking with me. It felt great.
Next morning Danny woke me up through the phone call at 8 o'clock it was so not his behavior.
Danny normally slept till afternoon, but turned out he couldn't sleep as he was very excited to spend two days with me all alone at the seaside. We stayed at his friends house with the view of sea.
This two days are in my top 10 special days of my life. This list doesn't include anything related to Jack, my husband. Mostly it's about Danny, my family and one is my vacation with Larry.
We turned off our phones for whole two days.
In the evening we sat on the beach and we decided to tell each other 10 things we loved about each other, it was too childish but romantic. I don't remember the whole list but I can say two or three from Danny's list.
1. I love your warm hugs.
2.your lips.
3.when I stare at you, you smile and look away.
4. your fingers
5.your breath.
6.your smile.
And I don't remember one thing from my list,
but I probably can write it now.
Then he told me that he wanted me to tell him everything I felt, he didn't want any more fight with me over obstacles. But those words weren't true, because Every time I tried to tell him how I felt he made it seem like we were arguing, so I didn't want to tell him how I felt ever again.
How could he be such an angel for 2 days in row and then break me all over again. One day he was a prince from a cartoon and the next day he was a villain. But for all the good moments I still believed he was a good person.
When we turned back home, I believed nothing wrong could have happened. Danny and I were together and I couldn't stop thinking about us, but when I saw him at school something was changed. It felt like we couldn't find our way back to each other in our everyday life. We were together all the time, it didn't matter if we were friends, lovers or enemies, it didn't depend on us, we went to the same school and couldn't avoid meeting each other. We knew everything about one another, every step, every life decision. Our relationship wasn't interesting anymore. But I was trying not to think that way. But he ended this suffering and texted me it would be better if we stayed friends, that our relationship was boring. I was hurt, but I just had to go with it. I was ready to fight and fix every problem, but he couldn't care less. I lost count of heart breaks he gave me.

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