Chapter 23

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*Suhas Pov*

After she closed the door, I came out of my shock and looked at the girl in front of me who has this blank expression on her face. This must be the first time she has this expression and this is all because of me.

I need to tell her that it is not completely true what she heard. I need to tell her that I already left it way back.

When she started climbing up the stairs, I followed her and said, "Navya! Please listen..." but I couldn't finish it as she rushed into our room.

After entering the room, I saw that she is in the washroom, so I paced around waiting for her. Then after a few minutes I heard the loud crash.

Is she ok in there? Is she hurting? I thought and got panicked by that thought. I rushed near the washroom and knocked on the door, but she didn't reply.

"Navya! Please open the door. I will explain everything." I asked her knocking on the door.

A few minutes later, she shouted "Go away!"

"Navya!" I called again in shock because this is the first time I heard her shouting.

"My name is Navya not Kavya." she shouted and I can hear her sobs.

"I know Navya. You are my Navya." I said, knocking on the door.

"I said my name is Navya. It is not Kavya so please stop calling me with her name." she said begging him.

"I am sorry, Navya. Please open the door." I said and continued to knock.

Then I didn't hear her say anything at all. I still knocked and then felt something wet on my cheeks.

I am crying! I realized closing my eyes. I want to cry more for causing her this pain, but first I need to bring her out.

I banged the door, but didn't hear her voice. I pulled my hair in frustration and shouted for not be able to do anything.

I will not let anything happen to her! I thought and pushed the door with all the force.

The lock got broken, and the door opened. I rushed inside to see that the mirror is shattered into pieces, and then I saw little drops of blood.

No Navya! I panicked and opened the shower door to see the most dreadful thing I already saw one time.

But at that time my mom just sat there with bruises and now my wife is without bruises. And I know for a fact that they are on her heart.

I am a monster just like my dad. I just hurt my wife, which I thought I would never do after looking at my dad, but I did.

I picked her up into my arms after stopping the shower. I held her close to me and walked outside the washroom.

Placing her on the bed, I took some of her night wears and got her changed. I know she will hate me more if I do this, but she will get sick if I don't.

After changing her, I lay beside her and pulled her into my arms. I kissed slowly on her forehead and cheeks.

"I am sorry, Navya. I am really sorry." I said, rubbing her cheek.

"I am not kavya." She mumbled and I looked at her shocked, but saw she is still sleeping.

"Navya!" I mumbled and hugged her completely close to me.

Her body is completely cold, so I just held her rubbing her back hoping that she will not catch any cold or fever.

I couldn't even close my eyes for even one second because every time I do I get the image of her lying down on the floor of that shower room.

After a few hours with me still holding her with open eyes, I felt her stirring. I moved a little back, but still held her in my arms and saw that she is trying to open her eyes slowly.

Finally, she did and looked at me frowning. We just lay there like that without saying any word.

Then she finally said, "You just look like her!"

"What?" I asked her confused.

"When you visited our house after two years maybe, you saw me and said 'You just look like her!'. You said that, but I didn't remember it at all until now." She replied and her eyes immediately went wide.

She pushed herself away from me and got down from the bed. But when she put her feet down, she groaned, holding her head.

"Navya! Let me explain." I said, getting down from the bed and started walking towards her.

"Don't touch me!" She said when I placed my hand on her's like I burned her skin.

I took my hand back, and then she looked around the room. She looked at every single detail in the room.

"I am such a stupid girl." She said, and her tears started flowing.

"Navya!" I said completely confused.

"Everything was in front of my eyes, but I never saw them." She said covering her face.

"What are you talking about Navya?" I asked her confused.

"First don't call me by her name. And I am talking about this room. You did this for my sister, and we lived here like a married couple." She replied to the last sentence hugging herself.

Then I remember that the design is made according to Kavya's wish. I thought to change it, but Navya never said she has a problem with it.

Now I can understand why she is feeling like that, but why is she feeling that I am calling her by Kavya's name.

"Don't think like that Navya. This is our room." I said, pleading with her.

"Of course, you don't have any problem with it because in your eyes, I am my sister right." She said looking at me.

I flinched and said, "Let me explain Navya. It's not what you think."

"Explain? Ok explain whether you kissed me thinking me as my sister or not and whether you blurted out half of her name or not at that time?" She asked holding her hands in fists.

"I... I did it but that was only at that..." I couldn't finish my reply as after hearing my first words she walked to her closet and pulled the bag.

"Navya! What are you doing?" I asked her panicked.

"I am not leaving this house so don't worry. I can't stay in this room anymore feeling that this is actually never mine, and it was her's from the starting." She replied and started packing.

"This is our room, Navya!" I said and tried to hold her hand but stopped myself because I know she will not like it.

"This is our room when I am Kavya for you which I don't want to be anymore." She said and walked out of the room with my following.

"I want only you Navya!" I said when she opened the guest room.

"Yeah! I know you want only Kavya." She said and entered the room.

"Believe me!" I said, looking at her.

"How can I believe that it is not a lie?" she asked me in a whisper and with a broken look.

"I don't know, but please believe me." I replied.

"I want a divorce!" she said after a few minutes.

"What?" I asked her shocked.

"I want a divorce then I will go away from here and before that I know I can't go anywhere." She replied and closed the door.

"I will not give you one!" I shouted and moved away from the door.

I will not lose you Navya, and I am sure of it!!!


I know, i know small one but will try to make the next one little big...

SO what do u think of his pov? Was his emotions ok? If not plz let me know...

How is the chap?

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