Chapter 5: After School

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Gon POV:

I got through the rest of my classes for the day and school was finally over. I made my way to the front of the school ready to walk home. As I was about to step into the parking lot to leave the school grounds I saw Kaze walking towards the exit of the campus.

"KAZE!!" He notices me and grins giving me a two finger salut. I run up to him and give him a hug.

"Woah woah, where'd this come from huh Gon?" Kaze chuckled.

"Sorry, I just wanted to say thank for saving my tail back there." I say releasing smiling sheepishly while rubbing the back of my neck.

"It's no problem at all. Can't have my friend ending up on a t-shirt on his first day now can I?" Kaze said. 'Friend, he called me his friend.' My smile grows an exponential amount. "Yo what's up with the smile my guy, you're starting to look like the Grinch who Stole Christmas." I laugh.

"It's just... you called me your friend. I've never had a friend before." I say smiling looking at the ground feeling myself tear up.

"That's suprising, I'd expect someone like you to be friends with anyone." Kaze says. I look at him with a shocked expression.

"R-really?" Kaze shrugs.

"Yeah, honestly I was hesitant about being your friend at first but after thinking about it, you just seem... different. I can just tell. Like you're... a really nice guy and just have this positive aura coming off of you. It's a positivity that I feel like everyone aspires to have. At least that's what I think." Kaze says nonchalantly. I can feel a tear stream down my face from his words as I gave him another hug. "Heh... Quite the emotional one aren't ya." He chuckles hugging me back.

"S-sorry.." I says letting him go wiping my tears.

"Don't worry about it." He says waving me off. I pause for a second looking at the ground still letting his words process in my head.

"Thank you.." I say looking back up at him smiling.

"No problem." He says smiling back. "Anyways imma head out. See ya tomorrow?"

"Yeah definitely!" I say excitedly. He ruffles my hair then turns around putting his hands in his pockets walking away. "BYE KAZE!!" I shout waving at him. He takes his left hand out of his pocket and lifts it up acknowledging me as he continues walking away. Once he went out of sight I was about to start walking until...


I hear a familiar voice call my name as I turn and see...

"KILLUA!" I call back as he runs up to me. We kinda just stood there staring at eachother again until Killua briefly broke the silence.





'Well this isn't awkward at all...'

"Uhh, sorry about lunch earlier." Killua says scratching the back of his head.

"Huh? Why are you apologizing?" I asked tilting my head.

"It's just... I saw you at lunch and it looked like you wanted to sit with me but I couldn't move cause I was being swarmed." Killua says apologetically.

"Oh, it's ok don't worry about it." I say waving him off. "I'm assuming your pretty popular at this school huh?"

"Yeah, it's a pain. I never get anytime to myself." Killua sighs "People say that being popular is amazing but it's so annoying having to deal with crazy fangirls and fake friends that only hang out around you so they can leech off your popularity."

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