Chapter 5 - Powers

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I'm sorry another time skip!

2013 -

They had taken me out of cryo and moved me to a different facility, I had no idea where Bucky was and I was incredibly scared. There was a new man in charge of me, Strucker....they had something powerful...something they wouldn't let me see. They blind folded me the entire time, I didn't even know where this facility was.

When I arrived I was pushed into a room, I slowly stand to my feet and hold my arms against my chest, I had no idea what was in this room.

"Y/N Stark. Reach your arms out." A voice goes over the intercom.

I slowly do as they say and reach out, stepping forward again. I start to shake as I feel some sort of force flowing up my arms. "What is this?" I ask.

I start to feel my chest closing, it felt like someone had their hand around my throat. I feel myself being lifted up, as if someone was holding me in the air by my throat, trying to kill me.

I gasp for air as this force completely surrounds me, my whole body starts to convulse as I see images of stones in my head. Images of destruction. I then fall to the ground.

When I try to remove my blindfold, I feel hands grab mine and start to drag me. They toss me again and slam a cell door shut, I reach up and take the blindfold off, seeing I was in a prison cell.

My skin was bright red and my whole body was still shaking. "Hey.....hey you!" I hear whispering. I slowly crawl to the end of my cell and look out to see another woman across from me. "What did they do to you?"

"I-I don't really know. They blindfolded me. My feels so hot. I feel like I'm burning." I whisper.

"I'm Wanda brother and I just got here. We volunteered."

"Y/N Stark, I was kidnapped." I shrug.

"Stark." Her smile fades.


"That's your father?" She asks.

"Yeah why?"

"Your father killed my parents. With his missile." Her eyes narrow.

"I'm so sorry for your losses. Wanda I can assure you I have nothing to do with my father. I've never gotten along with him, I think he's a douchbag. I haven't even seen him in six years because they kept me locked up and because he never searched for me."

She nods and turns away. I move so I can lay on the ground, hoping the cold floor can cool down my skin.

For several months they monitored me, but nothing had happened. I'm really confused on what they wanted to happen to me. This Strucker guy....he is absolutely evil.

Wanda and I somewhat became friends, she hates my father. Still thinks I like him.

They take me to another room and are having me try to do weird tests. But I've failed all of them. The entire time I was just thinking about being outside.

Suddenly I was standing outside. I stare around in shock as snow lands on me. "What...the fuck." I then think about being back in the room.

Suddenly I'm there.

The doctors rush in, I take this as my chance to get out of there. I quickly think about home, smiling as it works.

I was standing in front of the mansion in Malibu, there was a giant Bunny outside. I slowly walk to the door and ring the doorbell, I take a deep breath and wait anxiously.

After a few minutes the door opens revealing Pepper, she gasps and covers her mouth as she starts to cry. "Y/N? Is that really you?"

"It's me....I'm home." I start to cry.

Pepper quickly pulls me in, she hugs me tight and cries into my shoulder. "Tony!" She yells, quickly pulling me inside. "Your have muscles." She laughs through her tears. "Your a grown woman now."

"What's going on?" Dad walks over, he quickly stops in his place when he sees me. "Y/N? Oh my can't be." He rushes over to me and grabs my shoulders. I stand still as he quickly hugs me, keeping my arms at my side. "We've searched everywhere for you! How did you get home?"

"Um...I can teleport. What the hell is that." I point at his chest as he pulls away.

"Let's start with you. I need to know everything that happened."

"Can I at least take a shower first? Eat proper food?"  I sigh.

"Of course."

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