Chapter 33 - Shocked

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They put me in a straight jacket and collar to stop my power as soon as we got to the raft prison, I had been clawing at the collar too much. They do the same thing to Wanda and split us up from the others. "Sam! Clint!" I scream. "I can't be in a cell again...I can't!"

"Y/N it's gonna be's gonna be okay!" Sam yells, trying to pull away from the guards to get to me.

"Oh don't lie to her!" Ross laughs and walks into the separate elevator with Wanda and I. "Brings back bad memories? Good." Ross narrows his eyes. "I'm gonna make your life hell while your here."

"Why...what did I do to you."

"Your just like your father. And I hate that man." He chuckles. "Your both an abomination."

"I'm nothing like him!" I scream as they throw me into my cell.

I slide over to the wall and sit up as I start to cry. "Y/N....can you hear me?" Wanda calls over to me.

"Yeah...I can." My breathing quickens as I look around my cell. "Wanda I can't do this!" I yell.

"Y/N take a deep's gonna be alright."

I start to rock back and forth as I start freaking out. I felt like I was back with Hydra. Back in my dark cell. Back where I received beatings.

Suddenly the collar around my throat shocks me, I scream out as I fall onto my back, shaking and convulsing as the shocks don't stop. "How does that feel?"

I look up in pain as the shocks stop to see Ross standing outside. "Your torturing me because I'm a Stark?" He clicks a button again and it starts shocking me, "Stop! Please stop!" I scream in pain.

He laughs as it stops, "See you tomorrow, Miss Stark." He walks off.

"Y/N! What was he doing?" Wanda yells.

"Torturing me..." I say back, trying to catch my breath.

The next day, I look up to see dad standing in front of my cell. "What have they done to you..." He whispers in shock.

I use the bed to stand up, limping over to the front of the cell. "Dad...please get me out of here...please. He's torturing me."

"There's nothing I can do, Y/N. You did this yourself. And you said you'd rather be in Jail than go with me."

"I didn't mean it! I can't be here. He's shocking me...hurting me." I shake my head.

"Y/N...I truly can't do anything."

"Your Tony fucking Stark! There's always something you can do!" I yell. "Daddy I'm begging you. Please help me...I'm so scared. Please....please." I sob.

"I'm sorry Y/ I said, you did this to yourself. You made yourself a criminal." He turns and walks off.

"No! Don't leave me! You coward." I scream, slamming my head against the glass.

My collar shocks me and throws me back, I curl up into a ball....he really never cared about me.

                               Three weeks later......

Ross has continued to torture me...he lets the guards beat me when he's not here. He starves me....I didn't even look like myself anymore. Worst of all I was starting to hallucinate from lack of sleep.

Suddenly the lights turn off, "No! Not again! No!" I scream.

"He's coming back for you." A voice was the guard from Siberia...he stays in my room a lot.

"Shut up!" I scream.

"You know I can't. I'm always gonna be here." He sits behind me and rubs the back of my head. "My little pet." He leans down to my ear, "You were always my favorite."

"Leave me alone! Stop! Stop stop stop!" I scream.

"Y/N!" The door opens, Steve slides down to me.

"Your not real...stop trying to trick me...your not real."

"Sweetheart I'm real. It's me." He holds me in his arms. "What have they done to you?"

"Your not real....don't hurt me anymore." I cry.

"Remember the fort we made? We watched movies all night in the tower. I told you stories about Bucky. It's really me." He yanks off my collar and takes off my straight jacket. Nat and Sam come in and hold me up as he wraps a blanket around me.

My eyes widen as I see Ross with his device that shocks me "Stop! He's here!" I scream. "Steve! He's gonna hurt me again!"

Steve scoops me up in his arms and holds me tight as he starts to cry. "They won't hurt you's okay."

"Oh my god..." Sam whispers as Steve carries me out.

Steve sits down and lays me in his arms once we were in the Jet. "Steve we need to get her some food...a proper bed. Look how skinny she is." Nat sits by my feet.

"Y/N...can you tell me what they did? Did they give you anything?"

"Ross...shocked me. Left me in the dark." I start to shake. "He said he was punishing me....said he thinks I'm still with Hydra. That I'm in love with the devil. And I'm gonna rot in hell."

"Oh god." Steve leans down and kisses my head. "He won't hurt you anymore."

"My father.....he did nothing. He let them hurt me." I whisper.

"It's gonna be okay..."

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