Chapter 44 - Funeral

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Today was Dad's funeral, I get changed into a black dress and black heels, lightly curling my hair. I put on a small Arc Reactor necklace that he had gotten me for my birthday. I then smile at myself through the mirror, running my hands through my hair. "You always loved my hair like this." I mutter.

I turn to see Morgan standing in my doorway. She looks at her hands as I approach her. "Hi.."

"Hi, peanut." I squat down and kiss her head.

"I don't want to go down there." She whispers.

"I'll be with you....I'll always will be here to protect you." I kiss her cheek and hold her hand.

We walk downstairs and sit on the couch beside Pepper, Happy, and Rhodey as a hologram of dad plays. "So I thought I'd probably better record a little greeting... In the case of an untimely death on my part. I mean, not that, death at any time isn't untimely. This time travel thing that we're gonna try and pull off tomorrow; it's got me scratching my head about the survivability of it all. That's the thing. Then again, that's the hero gig. Part of the journey is the end. What am I even trippin' for? Everything's gonna work out exactly the way it's supposed to." He leans down and smiles. He is looking straight at Morgan and I. "I love you 3,000." It turns off.

Rhodey turns to me and hands me a small device, "He had one just for you."

I thank him and stand, Pepper smiles at me and wipes my tears. She hands me a small wreath with dad's Arc Reactor in it, "He loved you so much, Y/N. More than you even know." She whispers.

I smile and look down at the wreath, taking a deep breath and walking in front of Pepper and Morgan as I step outside.  Everyone was out here, staring at us as we pass. My lip quivers as I start to cry again, locking eyes with Bucky as I pass.

Once I reach the end of the dock, I kneel down with pepper and Morgan, all of us holding onto the wreath as we drop it in the lake and watch it float away.

I stayed outside as everyone went inside to talk and eat. I wanted to be alone.

I dangle my legs off the dock and stare at the water, turning and setting down the small device Rhodey gave me. I turn it on as a hologram of dad pops up, sitting beside me.

"Y/N...I know I've failed you many times. But I want you to know that my greatest creation is you. You have made me a better father...a better man. You light up my life with joy and happiness...I know that if I am going to die...I'm gonna pass hearing your beautiful singing. I want you to know that it's okay...I'm in peace now. I don't want you blaming yourself or being upset. I want you to take care of yourself, pursue a career in singing. I know you can make it...I know you have big things planned for you. Just promise me to check in with Pepper and Morgan...they love you so much. And most of all...." He pauses and looks right at me. "Always remember how much I love and adore you. You will forever be my little greatest blessing. There was never a moment where I was disappointed in've always made me proud and you will continue to make me proud. I love you, my flower." He smiles as the hologram fades off.

I put my head in my hands as I start to sob, I shake my head, still in denial that this was real. I look up as someone sits beside me....Bucky.

"What do you want?" I ask, looking away from him.

"I wanted to comfort you...I know your hurting."

"You don't know anything about me." I chuckle through my tears.

"Yes I do...I spent a lot of time with you."

"I've changed over the last seven years." I shake my head. "I would rather be alone."

"I know that's a lie...because I know you."

"I don't want your company. You didn't want I'm just returning the favor." I finally look at him again.

"I only said that because I didn't want to hurt you again...I attacked you."

"I don't care...that doesn't give you the right to decide my feelings for me." I grab the small device and stand up. "Goodbye Bucky."

I look up to see Steve, he tilts his head as he opens his arms. I run into his arms and bury face face in his chest as I start to cry again. "Why don't you lay down for awhile?"

I nod my head as I turn in his arms, seeing Bucky looking at me sadly as I walk into the house. Steve helps me sit on my bed after I grab one of dad's shirts, I turn away from him on my side and press the shirt against my face as I cry. Steve sits on the edge of my bed and holds his hand on my thigh, we both look up as we hear little feet running.

Morgan climbs up onto my bed as I turn, she lays on her side with her back to me and puts my blankets over her. I smile and hold her in my arms, looking over as Steve smiles and walks out of my room.

I felt lost again...I didn't know who I was without my father.

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