Dad and I watch as a guard picks up Dad's beeping watch. "Careful, there. It's a limited edition. Hey, uh, Ponytail Express. What's the mileage count between Tennessee and Miami?" He asks the other one."832 miles."
"Impressive." I nod.
"I'm good like that. Can you, uh, stop that?" He asks about the watch.
"Break it, you bought it."
"I think I bought it." The guard smirks.
"Okay, that wasn't mine to give away. That belongs to my friend's sister. And that's why I'm gonna kill you first." Dad nods.
"What are you gonna do to me?"
"You'll see." Dad nods.
"You're zip-tied to a bed." They laugh.
He throws his hands out, "This." Nothing happens, "That." Nothing happens again. "Trust me, you're gonna be in a puddle of blood on the ground in five, four, three... Come on! Two..."
"How did we get this shift?"
"All right, I'm gonna give you a chance to escape. Put down your weapons. Tie yourselves to those chairs. I'll let you live. In five, four, bang!" Nothing happens yet again.
"Wow. That was..."
"You should be gone by now. You should've already been gone." Dad nods. I knew at this point I could break out of these chains but I thought this was amusing.
"I am just beyond terrified." They laugh.
I yell out as I break the chains around me, they both look at me in fear and then at the window as a Piece of dads suit flies in. I kick one guys chest and send him flying into the wall as dad gets the other, as well as a gun.
"Where's the rest?" Dad looks around. "Also, were you able to break out this whole time?"
"Yup. I liked watching you struggle." Dad looks up and blasts at the doorway as many more guards come running down the hall. I stand still as he he flies up with only one boot and spins as he shoots. I watch as he lands down and still tries to shoot. "Just let me." I roll my eyes, teleporting up next to the group of guards. I grab ones neck and hold him up in the air, holding him in front of me as the others shoot, using him as a shield. I throw him into another guard and spin around, kicking another mans face into the wall. I do a cartwheel and grab the last guards gun, Shooting him and spinning back to aim down next to dad.
The last one puts his hands up, "Honestly, I hate working here. They are so weird." He drops his gun. I wave at him as he leaves.
Dad walks up next to me as more of his armor comes on, "Wow." He shakes his head. "Here." He takes out a small earpiece from a compartment. I put it in my ear as we run outside. "Not this time. Not the face." He catches his face plate, the last piece and puts it on. "Phew! It's good to be back. Hello, by the way."
"Oh, hello, sir." I hear Jarvis in my earpiece. I pull off my sweater and drop it, leaving me in a black tank top, leggings and my combat boots.
Dad lightly runs and tries to fly, "Ah! Let's go! Aw, crap." It doesn't work.
I follow dad down the stairs, silently laughing at how ridiculous he looks. I look up as I see a red and blue Iron suit leave, assuming it was Rhodey. "Tony?" I hear his voice.
"Rhodey, tell me that was you in the suit."
"No. You got yours'?" He asks
"Uh... Mmm. Kind of. Main house, as fast as you can. There's somebody I'd like you to meet."
I teleport to the house and hide in the shadow's, looking back as dad hooks up a battery to his suit and grabs a ping pong paddle, Rhodey crashes in and shoots the two guards.
"What have you come as?" Trevor asks.
"You make a move, and I break your face." Rhodey points the gun in his face.
"I never thought people had been hurt. They lied to me." Trevor says.
Rhodey looks up at us, "This is the Mandarin?"
"Yeah, I know, it's... It's embarrassing." I nod.
"Hi, Trevor. Trevor Slattery." Rhodey slaps his hand away. "I know I'm shorter in person. A bit smaller. Everyone says that. But, um, hey, if you're here to arrest me, there's some people I'd like to roll on."
Dad steps up, "Here's how it works, Meryl Streep. You tell him where Pepper is and he'll stop doing it."
"Doing what?" Rhodey presses the gun against his ear. "Ow, I get it! Ow! That hurt. I get it! I get it! I don't know about any Pepper, but I know about the plan."
"Spill." Dad points.
"Do you know what they did to my suit?" Rhodey asks.
"What? No. But I do know it's happening off the coast. Something to do with a big boat. I can take you there." Suddenly he jumps up, "Woah! Ole', ole', ole', ole'..."
"Tony, I swear to God, I'm gonna blow his face off."
"Oh, and this next bit may include the vice president as well. Is that... Is that important?" Trevor asks.
"Yeah, a little bit." I nod, stepping aside with Dad and Rhodey.
"So?" Dad asks.
"What are we gonna do? I mean, we don't have any transport."
"Right." We turn to Trevor. "Hey, Ringo. Didn't you say something about a lovely speedboat?"

Unloved - (Fem Reader X Bucky Barnes)
FanficY/N Stark. You are the daughter of the famous Tony Stark. Born in 1990, by a twenty year old Tony Stark. You don't know who your mother is...she was just a one night stand who passed away giving birth to you. Your father didn't want you...At least...