step two

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Jisoo did end up becoming a star football player in school.

When the quarterback injured her ankle and ended up being unable to play for the whole season, the team set up a whole try out session, of which Jisoo Kim suddenly found herself in.

She didn't think too much about it. It really was just a bet she lost with Lisa: that she had to participate in the try outs if she lost their bet.

Which she did.

And so she did go out to play, more to just make good on her promise rather than to make the actual team.

As it turns out, however, nothing much ever really goes Jisoo's way because suddenly, she was being asked to join them for a practice session.

And another.

And then another.

Until she's attended all weekly practice sessions with the team.

And then suddenly, one day, they handed her a jersey with her name written on it at the back.

"KIM" in big bold letters, and the number 43 below it.

She didn't even tell them what number she wanted. She would've wanted maybe 15. Or even 4. Rosie agrees, she agrees that it should have been 15. Or 4.

"I like the number 15," Rosie once said before, going on to explain that she thinks it's because she thinks five multiplied by three is an interesting equation.

Jisoo doesn't get it, but she agrees.

And it is because Jisoo, with her too-big-for-her football jersey making the football team, that Rosie sees her everywhere.

Jisoo's face was plastered literally everywhere.

Turn the corner going to the Art room, and you see photos of the team all lined up, Jisoo kneeling right in front and in the middle with the black and white-patterned ball sitting right in front of her.

Go upstairs and you see a whole shrine dedicated to the football team, trophies and certificates all encased in glass for everyone to behold.

You can even see Jisoo's face upon entering the school grounds: banners hung up at the gate to show that the school has a good enough football team that occasionally wins inter-school matches.

It didn't help that the team recently won a match, the entire school going into a celebratory mode, morning assemblies filled with endless reminders that, oh my god, they actually won something.

Rosie had to scoff at it all.

But it is because of this, of Jisoo trying out for the team because of a bet, of Jisoo actually making the team, and then suddenly, of Jisoo's team actually winning something, that Rosie has convinced herself is the reason she sees Jisoo everywhere.

She sees Jisoo at school.

She sees Jisoo when she's at home. (Jisoo has never outgrown showing up at Rosie's house unannounced)

And sometimes, she even sees Jisoo when she closes her eyes!

She sees Jisoo when she's lying on her bed, about to drift off into sleep. She sees Jisoo when she's just staring aimlessly at her ceiling. She even sees Jisoo when she's just staring out into space, looking at nothing in particular.

"What are you smiling about there, Rosie?" her sister, Alice asked, suddenly taking her out of her thoughts filled with nothing but Jisoo.

Jisoo and her bright eyes. Jisoo and her perfectly shaped lips. Jisoo and her brunette hair that seems to flow perfectly against the wind. Jisoo and he—



"Why are you so red?" her sister asked, putting her hand out in an attempt to touch her face. "Are you feeling sick?"

"Me? Sick? No. Absolutely not. I'm fine. I'm great. I'm doing absolutely A-okay," she started to sputter, words leaving her mouth at a thousand miles a second.

Alice looked at her incredulously, as if weirded out by her sister's sudden franticness. "You sure you're alright there?"

"I'm fine," Rosie said, clearing her throat after. "Can I go upstairs now?"


She didn't even wait for her sister to finish the word before bolting up the stairs and into the safety of her room.

Once she was there in her lonesome, Rosie found herself sitting at the edge of her bed, eyebrows furrowed and a frown etched on her face because there was Jisoo again, raging through her mind and taking over all her thoughts.

"It must be because I keep seeing her stupid face everywhere," she eventually resigned, feeling somewhat satisfied with the conclusion she came to herself.

"Yeah, that must be it," she said to herself before feeling drowsiness slowly creep up on her.

"It must be."

Unbeknownst to Rosie, she was slowly learning what it meant to fall in love.

And this was the second step: the infatuation.

The inability to get someone off your mind, having one person be at the very center of your thoughts, the unknown passions just waiting to be unraveled and discovered.

Rosie doesn't know what she's in for just yet, but it's going to be one hell of a ride.

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