step five

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Let's pretend I didn't forget to use a third person POV for the last chapter LOL. I keep forgetting that this is a third person POV story and not a single person POV. Hahaha.


"I'm only down for it if you guys are."

"Me too!"

"Me three!"

Being part of the school's football team has some of its perks. For Jisoo, it's that she gets invited to all of these social events. From parties, to soirees, to just simply being asked to hang out at rich and popular kids' mansions, she's got them all.

And it's because Jisoo gets all these open invitations so often, that Rosie finds herself in the middle  of them too even if they're not necessarily her crowd, or her thing.

"What about you, Rosie?" Jennie asked, making both Jisoo and Lisa look at her in anticipation.


"I will give you a list of reasons of why you should go!" Lisa interrupted, not even giving Rosie the chance to decline. "Number one! Booze. There will be endless free booze there."

"I hardly think she'd be convinced by alcohol, dumb ass," Jisoo mumbled while rolling her eyes.

"Number two!" Lisa exclaimed loudly, ignoring Jisoo completely. "Someone's gotta take care of us when we're passed out."

"Again," Jisoo said, exasperated. "I hardly think that would convince her."

"Yeah, I'm not sure I would like to be taking care of—"

"Number three!" Lisa said again, cutting Rosie off before she could even finish what she has to say. She only rolled her eyes while Jisoo and Jennie chuckled.

"You, my lovely girl," she said, pointing at Rosie, "you need to get laid."

"What?!" Now it was Rosie's turn to exclaim loudly, eyes doubling in surprise because she just did not expect Lisa to make that one of her reasons.

Jennie's loud laughter made Rosie narrow her eyes at her, completely missing the way Jisoo frowned in disapproval.

"Oh, don't look at me like that," Jennie said, wiping the tears that has formed at the edge of her eyes. "You know she's right."

"Oh bugger o—"

"Actually," Jisoo suddenly interrupted. "I think I'm gonna want to pass. It's going to be boring, anyway. Same old people and all. Rosie? What do you think?"

"I don't mind giving it a miss too," she agreed, already concocting up ideas in her mind on what she and Jisoo could do on a Friday night instead.

"Dude," Lisa said, putting all her attention on a smiling Jisoo. "You, of all people, know that you can't give it a miss."

"And why not?"

"Because the host, Soojoo, wants you to be there," she said. "And I heard she has a thing for you."

"Dude," she laughed. "We've spoken all but once."

"And what better time to get to know each other than at a party at her place?"

"I agree," Jennie said. "I mean, she's a pretty girl. Talk to her a little bit and see where that takes you. You guys look good together, anyway."

Rosie couldn't help the deep frown that instantly formed on her face. Her three friends were too busy to pay attention to her, not entirely sure if she was relieved that their attention wasn't on her, or annoyed that they're trying to set her best friend up with another girl.

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