step six

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"Oh, this is ridiculous."

Rosie paced around back and forth in her room, walking over the same line over and over again, one hand trying to massage her aching temple and her other hand on her hip. She was troubled, truly confused and not entirely sure about what to do next.

Jennie was sitting on the bed, amused at how Rosie was acting.

"Did you really just call me up so you could have an audience?"

Rosie glared at her. "Well, it would be nice if instead of staring at me, you could help me out with my problem!"

Jennie looked at her before breaking out into laughter, completely missing the way Rosie's glare at her hardened and how her jaw clenched.

"Really, Jen?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she said, wiping the tears at the edge of her eyes. "It's just that you're getting all worked up over nothing."

"What do you mean 'nothing'?"

There was an iciness in Rosie's tone that would have made anyone scared, but this was Jennie she was directing all her annoyance at, and Jennie could not take her friend seriously at the moment.

"Rosie," she said, trying to calm down from her high. "Your 'problem' is Jisoo."

"Exactly! My problem is Jisoo, my best friend!"

Jennie found something absolutely hilarious about Rosie going on and on about her 'problem' with Jisoo, breaking out into another fit of giggles even when Rosie was throwing daggers at her with her eyes.

"Jen, come on," she said, sounding deflated before sitting next to Jennie on the edge of her bed. "I'm so confused and I don't know what to do, and I'm so bothered because it's Jisoo."

Feeling sorry for her friend, Jennie forced herself to finally take Rosie seriously with her problem.

"Okay, well, why not tell me all about this problem of yours?"

Rosie sighed. She didn't really want to go over all the details, but she figured that she needed to come clean to Jennie with everything if she wanted a solution to her problem.

It's been gnawing at her for a while now, anyway. And so she sighed.

"Jisoo kissed my cheek," she said as a matter-of-factly. Jennie pursed her lips together to stop herself from bursting out into another fit of hysterics, nodding her head at Rosie to encourage her to go on.

"And then last week, she bought me flowers," she sighed. "For no reason at all!"

"And, I don't know! She's just been so affectionate lately! Always hugging me, or reaching out to hold my hand, or whispering things into my ear even if she could just say it out loud! And did I mention that she kissed my cheek?!"

Somewhere in between her breathless ranting, Rosie stood up, perplexed. Her arms were moving about in the air, she went back to going back and forth that same straight line in her bedroom, and her hand was back to massaging her aching temple.

Jennie tried so hard to sympathize with her friend, maybe give her a pat on the back, or maybe tell her some encouraging words about how it's okay and that she's not crazy for reading too much into it.

But the situation was far too laughable for her, another burst of hysterics escaping her before letting herself fall on the bed, laughing heartily while she clutched her stomach.

"You're really not much help," Rosie sighed. "I don't even know why I asked for your help. You're just laughing at me."

"Come here," Jennie said, sitting up and putting her arm around a confused Rosie who sat next to her.

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