step seven

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First love never dies, they always say.

Rosie used to think just how utterly cliché that was to say, how funny it was to say that you will have multiple loves in your life, but the first one will always remain there, taking their place as the first one to make you believe in that heart-fluttering (or heart-wrenching, it really depends, she remembers thinking) feeling so many people write songs about.

And yet there she was, lying in bed with the only love she's ever known, Jisoo's bare back facing her as she tried to stop herself from moving closer to close up any space between them. She has never been one for physical affection, but with Jisoo, she realizes that she has to consciously think about stopping herself from being too affectionate. Just in case Jisoo doesn't like it.

On the contrary, however, Jisoo has no problem with constantly being close to Rosie. Whether it be in unconsciously trying to reach for her hand when they walked together downtown, or when they're sitting on the couch together, another trashy reality show playing on the television, Jisoo just couldn't seem to stand the idea of her skin not touching Rosie's.

And so with Rosie burning a hole at the back of her lover's head, Jisoo decided to put the both of them out of their misery, turning in bed, her eyes closed and a small smile on her face.

"You know, we can get to the best parts about us being naked in bed together if you actually moved a little bit closer," she said, a teasing tone in her voice. She didn't have to open her eyes to know that Rosie just rolled her eyes at her, an amused smile on her face nonetheless.

"Pervert," is all she said, Jisoo laughing out loud before slowly opening her eyes, allowing them to adjust to the light streaming in from the crack in their curtain. Rosie only laughed along.

It had always been this comfortable between them. From when they were friends, to now that they were lying bare on a bed together, only a thin blanket draped over their frames, there had always been something so comfortable between them.

The laughter eventually died down, and when it did, Jisoo opened her arms wide open. Rosie didn't even need to hear the words uttered out loud when she knew that it was an invitation meant solely for her. And so she moved in bed, adjusting herself so that she could fit perfectly in Jisoo's arms. It didn't take long before a familiar warmth wrapped around her, Jisoo's steady heartbeat ringing in her ears like a lullaby she could use to fall asleep.

"I can't stay in bed too long," Rosie mumbled, looking up to meet Jisoo's eyes.

"I know," Jisoo said, caressing her head lovingly before placing a kiss on her forehead. She tried so hard to not sound so disappointed, but the chuckle that escaped the girl in her arms made her realize that her feeble attempt wasn't successful at all.

"It is your fault, you know," Rosie said, almost sensually, tracing along the expanse of Jisoo's exposed shoulder blade with her finger. Jisoo had to suppress a shiver, pulling Rosie in closer so that she doesn't see the kind of effect she has on her. Still has on her, even after all these years.

"How is it my fault?" she asked, trying to ignore the way her skin feels like it's burning against Rosie's touch.

"If you didn't ask me to marry you," she said, her finger still tracing lazy circles. "I wouldn't have to leave this bed to go to some dress fitting."

"You insisted on wearing clothes to our wedding," she pointed out. "I would have been okay to get married in my birthday suit."

Rosie immediately slapped her shoulder, a frown on her face to match. Jisoo only laughed seeing her reaction as Rosie's face turned beet red, immediately nuzzling her face in the crook of her fiancée's neck. 

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