My Brothers Keeper

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In the middle of the woods, Aspen sits on a log watching as Stefan does push ups

Aspen: "What do you mean, you're not coming? Don't you by definition have to be there? Being a founding family member and all."

Stefan: "Elena and I broke up. Technically by definition, I don't have to be anywhere."

Aspen: "Are you okay?" she questions, giving him a soft look

Stefan: "Kind of want to rip into someone's artery and feed until I can't breathe anymore."

Aspen: "Well you can't do that, so...what else do you want to do?"

Stefan: "I don't know." he sighs, flopping onto his back as she thinks for a moment

Aspen: "Get up."

Stefan: "What?"

Aspen: "Get up. Stand" she orders and he does so with a sigh "Try and hit me."

Stefan: "Excuse me?"

Aspen: "You need to take your aggression out and clearly doing pushups isn't helping so...try and hit me." she shrugs as he scoffs a little

Stefan: "You do realize that I'll hurt you, right?"

Aspen: "I'm gonna do you a favor and not get offended by the fact that you think you can beat me." she playfully narrows her eyes at him as he chuckles

Stefan: "Alright fine. Don't say I didn't warn you."

Aspen: "Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

Getting into a fighting stance, Stefan goes to throw a punch but Aspen uses her powers to block it. Smirking at the look on his face, Aspen kicks her leg up, hitting him in the side before throwing a punch which he dodges by grabbing her wrist, speeding behind her and putting her in a small chokehold

Aspen: "You might think I lost but I take this as a victory" she shrugs as he chuckles "Never got an actual hit in with Elijah."

Stefan: "Uh huh."

Klaus: "Mind if I cut in?" he questions, placing Stefan in a chokehold which makes him let go of Aspen "In what world do the words "Tell no one" mean "Tell your brother and every teenage sycophant in town"?"

Aspen: "Klaus."

Stefan: "The secret's safe. No one who knows about the cure would endanger us. Trust me."

Klaus: "Well, then I suggest you find some vampires for Jeremy to kill before I'm tempted to offer you up as a victim. And try to keep this one to yourself, would you?"


Caroline: "Where have you been?" she questions when Aspen comes over to where she's standing at a table at the Lockwood's

Aspen: "Just hanging with Stefan."

Caroline: "So I take it you've heard."

Aspen: "About the breakup? Yep" she nods, looking through a box placed on the table before looking up to see Caroline staring at her "What?"

Caroline: "What?"

Aspen: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Caroline: "It's a...stupid idea." she shakes her head as Aspen scoffs

Aspen: "When has that ever stopped you before?"

Caroline: "Maybe now...that he's fully two might have that conversation regarding a certain kiss you shared."

Aspen: "Don't think now's a good time. I mean they did just break up."

Caroline: "Technically if you really look at it, they've been over for a while."

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