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Elena: "Stefan, who was that man in the road?" she asks, laying on her bed beside him

Stefan: "I don't know. Do you remember anything else about him?"

Elena: "I wish. I never really saw his face. He was wearing a hoodie. All I can remember is that there were these black boots coming towards me."

Stefan: "I brought some vervain for, um, for you and jenna. And, um, I made this bracelet for Jeremy, few extra on for friends. You can put it in jewelry, or you can even put it in food or drink, but as long as it's in you or on you, a vampire cannot control you."

Elena: "Wow. So much to remember."

Stefan: "I know, but there's another vampire in town. So until we find out who it is and what he wants, we have to be careful."

Elena: "Aspen and Bonnie don't need these?" she asks remembering how he mentioned how they don't need vervain

Stefan: "Witches can't be compelled by vampires. Part of their defense mechanism I guess."

Elena: "I still can't believe Aspen's a witch. Or that you knew her mom."

Stefan: "Yeah."

Elena: "I mean...throwing all of that on her at once. I can't imagine."

Stefan: "She handled it well. Think she was more in awe about it all then in shock."

Jeremy: "Elena, I need the money!" he calls out from downstairs and she gets off to her bed


Isla: "Day one

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Isla: "Day one. Mother is making us write down our daily lives. She said that this will one day be our legacy. Truth be told I find this utterly useless. Who will want to read boring letters about a family from a small village?" Aspen reads as she flips through pages from Isla's old journals as she lays on her bed

Isla: "Today I found out that I am a witch. Father took us out to the woods and showed up his powers. It was the most exciting moment in my life. Tomorrow he says that we start spell training."

Isla: "Today marks the day where the Seven Clans will merge together as one. There are those that would still oppose the idea however the Elders are continuing forward."

Isla: "Where did we go wrong? How did we go from peace to deadly war? I have seen more death in these past days then I have in all my life. I watched my friend from childhood try and kill another friend."

Isla: "My family is gone. Their bodies burned to nothing but a crisp. Instead of standing tall and brave, I fled like a coward. I know father would want his bloodline to live on but how do I do that? He taught us to always be strong however, he showed us how our greatest strength is family. What do I do now that my strength is gone."

Isla: "I met a very nice family today. They have allowed me to seek refuge in their village. This would mark the 5th one in the past 2 years. I lay awake at night and wonder if I will ever be allowed to settle down in one permanently."

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