You are Y/n L/n and You are A God that exists outside the Multiverse but one day you finally got bored and decided to form A Massive Muttiversal Harem to cure this Little Predicament! Things are about to get exciting up in here folks!
Soon the Millenium Falcon had Landed in some Mountains in Japan that were nearby A Small town and you and K-2 Had decided to investigate the Local Highschool for any cute girls to add to your Harem! You had decided to put on A Disguise so no one can call you out for looking funny with the Collar, White Skin, or even Strange clothes!
This is what you look like Now!
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Y/n: "So How do I look K2?"
K2: "Absolutely, Average sir! No one will ever tell that You're A God!"
Y/n: "Thank you. You better say behind because... Um..."
K2: "Because What Master?"
Y/n: "Um... I'm not sure if the Local Populace of this Planet had reached the technological Level needed to develop droids such as yourself."
K2: "Ah, I see. You better must teleport us there then."
Y/n: "Good Idea. Hang on."
K2 Then grabbed your shoulder as you teleported the both of you down to the local high school in the town below and you immediately noticed something in completely off!
Y/n: "K2! Can you feel that!?"
K2: "I'm Not A Good like you Master. I can not feel that."
Y/n: "Well, What I mean is I can feel Three very Powerful Presences, and they seem to be fighting each other. I better call for some additional help."
You then used your Powers to open A portal right next to the both of you and A Another Humanoid droid walked out with A Blaster in Hand and you smiled.
???: "Inquiry: Why did you bring me here Master?"
Y/n: "HK-47 Nice to see you again my Friend! I may need your help with this Fight!"
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HK-47: "Statement: This seems like A Great Opportunity for the Slaughter of Meatbags. I am so very excited."
K2: "Woah Hold on Cowboy. My Statistics tells me we have that we have A 38% Chance we actually need to be in A Fight."