The Best Worst Girls!!

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Y/n: "I don't wanna see them again!"

Nagatoro: "Oh really? Are you somekind of Chicken shit now Senpai?"

Y/n: "I hate you and your Sado-Masochist Ass."

Nagatoro: "Oh You are Chicken Shit Senpai~!"

Y/n: "I do Hate you, and Your Friends."

Nagatoro: "They aren't that bad!"

Y/n: "You're A Sado-Masochist, Gamou Is A Bully, Yoshi is A Sheep with the Brain of an Amoeba, Sakura is A Two-faced Bitch, and President is A Flat out Nudist!"

Nagatoro: "That Makes me the best right~?"

Y/n: "I hate you so much."

Nagatoro: "Awww, You are total Chicken shit~!"

Y/n: "Screw you."

Nagatoro was dragging you by the feet to the Lunchroom where she was Planning for you to see her Friend group once again, who can be considered some of the best worst girls, and to you, they were totally some really terrible People, but are still pretty damn Lovable though you were denying that part!

She Had Taken you to the Lunchroom where you Pulled out your Massive as Hell Bento Box full of stuff like Korean Chicken, Ramen, Rice, Sushi, and even Plenty of Dango for dessert and Nagatoro found it as another way to tease you!

Nagatoro: "Oh, Are you sure you're not gonna get fat from all of that Senpai~!"

Y/n: "Shut! Up! Nagatoro!"

Just then two other girls arrived at the Table, One with Orange hair and An Almost creepy and Sadistic Smile, and the other one with Twin Pigtails, Cat Pursed Lips, and A Button Nose! These are Gamou and Yoshi respectively! The Bully and the Sheep!

Gamou: "Hey Nagatoro I see you Brought That Loser Y/n Over again!"

Yoshi: "Hi, Y/n!"

Y/n: "Why don't you just stop being such an Asshat."

Yoshi: "Yeah, she's such an Asshat! What's an Asshat Gamou-Chan?"

Gamou: "Shut up Yoshi!"

Yoshi: "Okay!"

Yoshi: "Okay!"

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They both then sat down with their bento Boxes, and Gamou was about to Insult you again when Nagatoro began touching your hair, which confused you!

Y/n: "W-What the hell are you doing!?"

Nagatoro: "Oh Y/n, Your hair is so Fluffy and Soft!"

Y/n: "Just because I use Shampoo and Detergent, doesn't mean you can Just touch my Hair! Don't touch the merchandise Lady!"

Yoshi: "Yeah, Fluffy!"

Yoshi was about to touch your hair when Nagatoro stopped her and began to creepily glare at her with A Mug that can compete with Jim Carrey's with the Creepiness of A Serial Killer, as she spoke!

Nagatoro: "You don't wanna touch his Hair. It's all Greasy and Messy."

To Be Honest Nagatoro's Genocide stare (which is what you call it) scares you A Lot because she always looks like she's going to murder somebody, and her voice sounds like she immediately lost all Empathy in an Instant! Pretty scary to Be Honest!

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To Be Honest Nagatoro's Genocide stare (which is what you call it) scares you A Lot because she always looks like she's going to murder somebody, and her voice sounds like she immediately lost all Empathy in an Instant! Pretty scary to Be Honest!

Yoshi then backs off as Gamou began to insult you again!

Gamou: "Oh did you make any New Pictures of Nagatoro-Chan? I bet they all Nudey pictures or whatever!"

You then Blushed bright pink and yelled back!


Nagatoro: "I Wish He would make some of those pictures for me but he's total Chicken shit~!"


Yoshi: "Yeah, He's fluffy!"

Yoshi was about to touch your hair again when Nagatoro stopped her and did the same Death stare as before!

Nagatoro: "No."

Just then A Short Blonde haired girl with A Somewhat Messy Uniform known as The school's mean girl or Just as the two-Faced bitch, Kinda like the Plastics in the movie mean girls! This girl was named Sakura!

Just then A Short Blonde haired girl with A Somewhat Messy Uniform known as The school's mean girl or Just as the two-Faced bitch, Kinda like the Plastics in the movie mean girls! This girl was named Sakura!

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A/N: Man Sakura must be A Popular Name in Japan! I mean there is A Whole lotta Sakuras in Anime!

Sakura: "Hello There, Nagatoro, Gamou, Yoshi, and Helloooo There Doctor~!"

Sakura then Jumps into your arms swooning all over you to probably piss off Nagatoro to no end because Like I said she's A Bit of A Two-Faced Bitch!

Sakura: "Oh Y/n, Babe Please Hold me tight but please be careful~ I'm Fragile~"

Nagatoro then Just got Jealous and Pushed her out of your arms in which she fell to the floor!

Sakura: "Wah!! Ouch..."

Nagatoro: "Keep your hands off him You Overzealous, Two-Faced, Tit-Halfen Bitch!"

Sakura: "Oh, Well That's mean~ I Just wanna get into this Beefcakes arms"

Nagatoro: "Shut! Up!"

Yoshi: "Yeah, shut up!"

Gamou: "Shut up with your smooth Baby brain Yoshi!"

Yoshi: "Okay!"

Y/n: "That's It I'm leaving! I'm going back to the Art room to draw some... Maybe some Fruit or something! I don't know! You People are A Circus!"

He then Left and Yoshi then got up to follow him when Gamou then stopped her!

Gamou: "Yoshi No You idiot! You're not supposed to follow him."

Yoshi: "Alright!"

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