The Tanuki & The Fox!/ Y/n's Kindness!

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You had Went back and Grabbed Medaka, HK, And K2 And you took them all Back to Michiru to introduce them to her and she was A Bit surprised, to say the Least seeing A Human with somekind of Superpowers, and Two Robots with one of them being Somewhat racist to Meatbags but nothing bad, and the other being A Bit of A Smartass!

She then took all four of you two Her Home in the Slums which made you sad because A Girl like this shouldn't be living in such Poor conditions but it just is what it is, and she Unlocked the door and Opened it as she smiled!

Michiru: "Nazuna I'm Home! And I Brought some Guests over!"

Just then You all saw A Pink Fox girl in A Sweatshirt and Yoga Pants who was greeting Michiru Happily!

Nanzuna: "Hey, Michiru! Happy to see you back again!"

Nazuna then jumped off her chair and Hugged Michiru as she Hugged back and they Both blushed as you smiled realizing what this means for them!

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Nazuna then jumped off her chair and Hugged Michiru as she Hugged back and they Both blushed as you smiled realizing what this means for them!

Y/n: 'Yuri!? YEEEEEEEEES!'

Nazuna then Broke the huge and offered A Handshake to you!

Nazuna: "Hi there! What's Your Name?"

Y/n: Hi, My name s Y/n L/n and these are my Friends/Associates Medaka Kuromoi, HK-47, And K-2SO! I Um... I built these two myself... Yeah, that's what happened... Let's go with that..."

Medaka/HK/K2: "Hey!"

Nazuna: "Oh Cool! So What kind of Anima are you? You sure are smart so You must be Maybe somekind of Bird, Or maybe A Cat! That would be cool!"

Michiru: "Actually these two are Humans. From what Y/n tells me He is here to stop the divide."

Nazuna: "Michiru. Can I talk to you for A Moment?"

They both then scooched over into the kitchen and began Conversing with each other out of earshot of you guys!

Nazuna: "Michiru are you sure that we can really trust them? I mean After we got turned into Beastmen I was taken away by Men in Black and I was then Inducted into A Cult as this Religious figure which nearly destroyed our Friendship, and Almost Spread A Virus Across the City turning everyone into Monsters. I... I'm Just having some Major trust Issues ever since then..."

Michiru: "Hey, You trust me right?"

Nazuna: "Y-Yes?"

Michiru: "Then Trust me to Trust then. I had never let you down ever since we met and I can promise you that we can help. We're always there to help others. Like I did for you."

Nazuna then Blushed as she remembers everything Michiru has done for her since she arrived at Anima city and she then smiled!

Nazuna: "Sure, I can Trust them."

Michiru then hugs her smiling!

Michiru: "Great! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!"

She then let go and runs back into the Living room and Nazuna was standing still until her mind comprehending what happened and she ran back into the Living room with Michiru!

Michiru: "Okay, You guys to sleep on the couch and we'll get some Blankets and Sheets, And Nazuna here will make us all some dinner and-!"

Y/n: "Oh, No, No, No, No! Let me, Cook! I swear, I should be doing it!"

Nazuna: "A-Are you sure about that? I mean I can-"

Y/n: "No, Please I insist! You're already letting us stay at your Place It's the least I can do!"

Nazuna: "Well, Gee thanks! We'll be getting the stuff you need, Why don't you just work in the kitchen."

Y/n: "Good Idea! Medaka Mind helping?"

Medaka: "Sure!"

Y/n: "HK-47, K2-SO Keep Guard!"

K2/HK: "Yes, Master/ Response: Of course Master. To Protect the Furry Meatbags."

Y/n: "Alright Medaka Lets get cooking!"

Michiru and Nazuna then walked downstairs with A Bunch of sheets, Pillows, and Blankets, and the smell of food then caught their highly sophisticated AnimaL Noises and they quickly dropped off everything at the Living room and saw that you had already produced A Massive Feast in the Living room and they were dumbfounded, to say the least!

Y/n: "Hey you two! Didn't know what you both Liked so I made A Bit of everything! Chicken and Curry, Baked Alaska, Chicken and Dumplings, Buttered Rolls, Fried chicken, 10oz Steaks, Fish Fillet, Chocolate Trifle, Salad, and well A lot of other things you can think of! It's not exactly much but it's the best I can do!"

Michiru: "H-How!? We had almost nothing in Ingredients and This is A Feast, and It has only been A Few Minutes! How!?"

Y/n: "Hey, I have my ways. Never question my Powers Michiru. Never question it. Besides Like I said this is the least I can do, and Since you live in the Slums I bet you don't eat all that much so I wanted to-"

Michiru then started blushing as she waved her hands in front of her!

Michiru: "No, No, No, No, No, No! It's Okay I swear! I'm just surprised that's all."

Nazuna was already eating some of the Food and she was just amazed by the Incredible Taste and Texture of said Food and she smiled turning to her Tanuki best friend!

Nazuna: "Wow, Michiru this is amazing! You gotta try it!"

Michiru then cuts off A Piece of Chicken and takes A Bite out of it and her eyes sparkled as she noticed how good it was and she then began scarfing down the food with A Smile on her face and she began to tell you how great it is!

Michiru: "Hey This is truly amazing! The best food I ever had in years! And I definitely all of this energy for the Baseball game tomorrow!"

Medaka: "A Game?"

Nazuna: "Oh Yeah Medaka, Michiru plays in the Professional league for the Bears Team. She nearly Propelled them into the Championship but they Lost by One single point, but they still won the money which their coach spent on some Frivolous thing I don't care to remember!"

Michiru: "Yeah, We'll be playing against The Flamingo's again and I swear They'll be trying to kill me with everything They got."

Y/n: "Why exactly...?"

Michiru: "I made them lose the Game when I joined the team, and now they're probably gonna throw knives at me, or grenades, or even Bullets, or whatever!"


Nazuna: "Baseball in Anima city is A Death sport! People Get Injured and Die all of the time. It's nothing Unusual."

Y/n: "Well this can't be allowed! Michiru I will go to this Game of yours and protect you from those Flamingoes! I Promise!"

Michiru then Blushed and smiled!

Michiru: "Awww, Thanks Y/n! You're Too Sweet!"

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