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Drake Pov

What just happened ,Did Emily really leave me .I stood there in desperation as I saw the car move away from my sight .I immediately noted the car number and asked one of my  bodyguard's to track it .

I sat down on the road helpless ,trying to figure out what went wrong and how did I allow Emily to leave .Weren't we in love ,Didn't she promise me not to leave .Then why did she break her promise .

I was flooded with thoughts and questions .Then I saw James and Eva heading towards me .I some how got my self and my emotions under control and tried coming back to my normal stern face form .

"Bro ,what happened you look terrible and where is Emliy ?"

"She left me ",I said sternly .

"What no way ,Emily would never leave you Drake .she loves you and after all that you guys have been thorough .Its just not possible will you tell me what had happened actually .please tell me where is Emily ,drake where is she speak up .",Eva kept asking me .

I lost the control to my emotions and screamed at her ,"I fucking don't know ok ".I then saw Eva look she was startled and surprised .I heard her whisper a very low sorry .Then I finally got back to my senses .

James came in between us and put a hand on my chest and spoke in a threatening tone ."Bro I know something went terribly wrong ,but you don't have any rights to scream at Eva .she was only concerned for you and her best friend ".

James was right ,I immediately went toward my car and headed to my office .I was in no mood to talk to anyone or to seek anyone's sympathy. All I knew is that I had to find Eva right now .I needed her to calm me down .I knew only she could do it. 

James  Pov :

After Drake ,Eva could not stop crying .I tried consoling her ,but nothing was working .I tried calling Emily her phone was switched off. 

"Did ,she pick the phone .",Eva asked softly while crying .

"No ,sweetly .her phone is switched off ,But don't worry Emily really loves you and cares for you .I promise and I and hundred percent sure that you will hear from her soon.

"I believe soo too .But why did Emily leave  .Drake did not tell us anything .I am damm sure Emily would not leave unless its a very serious issue .what do you think would have happened ."

"Hey ,Eva don't worry too much .I promise everything will be fine in the end .I just know it ." I said all this to Eva ,but in fact I was very worried my self because Drake never looses his temper .It happens very rarely and today seeing his reaction .I knew things are not going to go fine .

Then I took Eva home ,consoled her and then headed to works the Knight industries cause I knew I would find Drake there.

Drake pov :

As soon as I reach my office and I immediately went into my secret room .I had made this room to keep a check on my enemies and rivals .when you are rich and successful its inevitable that u will have many rivals looking for a chance to pull you down .So I made this secret place where the best hackers and white hats work 24/7 observing and extracting data and information of other rivals .

I blasted into the room ,Everyone where surprised .

I shouted ,"so how is the work going did you track the  location of the car number  I asked you too ."

then one of the employee spoke being totally scared of me ,"Sir we where tracking the car you told us all the way till down town road ,but suddenly 5 same cars appeared at that time and they had the same car number ,We some how don't know in which car you're wife is in sir .But we have been tracking all the five cars .another bad news is that all the 5 cars are heading into totally opposite destinations sir .So this will make the work even more difficult ."

After hearing all this I was boiling with anger ,I asked you to do one simple task that is to keep check on a car and you bloody people can't even do that .Have I really hired a bunch of fools .Get back to work and find my wife now ".I screamed at them and they all immediately got back to work .

I had to find her ,I then realized this was all planned .5  cars having the same number and the same kind .gosh everything was a trap .Alex must have had this planned all along .He even had the evidences grandpas report .But why did he do all of this.

I called one of my most trusted hacker ."find all the information you can get hands on .His name is Alex .I need every little information you can find out about him ".

"yes ,sir .I will bring you a detailed report in one hour ."With that I dismissed him.

Then I saw james enter the office .

"So found any information on where Emliy ,No lead."

"Nope bro ,No lead .we are literally ..we are literally left in a maze .don't know which way to take .Apparently Jake had this all planned right ahead. "

"Wait Jake ,Emily Best friend right  ."

"yup "

"How did he get into the picture ,I am confused ."

"soo what happened yesterday night was ,that as I reach the garden .I was 20 mins late .as there was some issues with the fire works .everything was going perfect .But out of no where Alex appeared Emily and I where both shocked ......" ,Then I explained rest everything that happened between us . "I still don't get it why did Jake do all of this ?"

"Drake I can only think of two reasons ,I think its because you tricked Emily into the marriage So either he cares and wants to protect Emily as a sister Or he loves her and wants to take her away from you and all the thing you have told me right now the second option has a huger weightage .

while we where talking ,The report on Alex arrived .

And both me and James where shocked to see it .

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