Journey To Terminus PT 1

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Daryl's POV
When I saw Rose being dragged away by Carl I knew she'd be fine, but a piece of me crumbled inside. I carried on running behind Rosita  telling myself Rose'll be fine.

After the walkers had vanished from sight,we calmed down. "OK so you three go on to this terminus place, while I go get Rose." Abraham looked at me confused.

"No that's not happening, we're going to continue on to terminus and Rose will meet us there as planned." I glared at him and we began arguing. Until Rosita pulled us apart and walked off. We looked at Eugene and he shrugged. We followed her to the tracks which had a sign saying " TERMINUS THOSE WHO ARRIVE SURVIVE" I snorted at it.

As I turned away from it and started walking north , Abraham called me back. "Daryl ! Looks like you're girl left you a note. " I strode over to him and squinted at the board. In the corner of the board there was a simpler message. "D, follow the tracks, ♡ R" I ran my fingers over it and clutched my bow tighter.

"Come on we're going to terminus."

☆An hour earlier ☆

Rose's POV
We'd been walking for ages,and the tracks went on forever. We'd come across the signs saying "THOSE WHO ARRIVE SURVIVE ". On the last one I seen I wrote a message on it for Daryl incase he walked this way. "D, follow the tracks ♡ R" I ran my fingers over it and walked over to the trio.

I looked at Rick , whose beard is out if control then at the ground. "You miss him don't you ?" I looked up at him again. I nodded. He walked over and hugged me to try and comfort me. I smiled. "Thanks, right, now, let's get going." He smiled and shouldered his rifle. We then carried on walking.

I just hope we all meet again, one way or another.

Hey guys sorry it's soo short I'm kinda struggling with school and stuff but hey  more than 2 parts in 3 days I'm on a roll. Stay tuned for a new update later I  the week (hopefully)
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