A Grim proposal

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Rose POV
It's always dark. We don't know what time it is. We just sit around in the container making weapons to strike. Every now and then someone would be grabbed from the container and wouldn't come back.

We all got worried. Just waiting to die. Every time the door opened, we all tensed. Daryl's arms tightening around me. Carl being held by michonne. Rick standing in front of us like a protector of sorts.

The heat was getting harsh. It felt like a sauna but 5 times worse. I looked around taking in who was left. I glanced around. Glen and Maggie were still alive. Their fiends Abraham, Rosita and Eugene were ok. Tasha was talking with michonne while Carl and Rick were making weapons.

Daryl put his arm around me. "You okay ?" I smiled as best I could. "Yea I'm good just surviving." Everyone suddenly froze as the sound is multiple footsteps approached. Everyone went into protective mode immediately.

The door was yanked open and bright hot sunlight flooded in temporarily blinding us. Daryl's hold on me pressed tighter. I felt a hand on my leg and immediately tensed. As soon as it happened it was over.

I remember screaming as I was yanked away from Daryl. Everyone sprung into action. Carl grabbed my hand holding tightly. He was shouting " I won't let them take you I promise !" His grasp was tight and promising. A man in a ski mask strode forward and planted the button of his gun his Carl's face.

I shouted and screamed,kicked and punched until I fell to the ground. I pelted back to the container my legs burning and I caught a glimpse of daryls face before a gunshot rang out. A blinding white hot pain seared through me but i didn't care. His face was the last thing I wanted to see. It was twisted in anger and the door was closed.

I fell to the ground bleeding out. I closed my eyes finding where I'd been shot. My head and nerves told be I'd been shot in the leg. It burned and I screamed with the contact. I blurred in and out focusing on Gareth. His sudden appearance startled me.

He grabs my underarms hauling me upright I cursed with the effort. I hung my head feeling exhausted. "If you're going to eat me or kill me just do it I don't care but let everyone leave." Gareth smiles. "I want to propose an offer just for you. And maybe your boyfriend can live."

My head immediately sprung up. "I'm listening." He smiled again. "Good , now let's get your leg patched up."

When my leg was all patched up,Gareth turned into a psychodouche. He shoved me against a wall and put pressure on my leg. I bit into my lip to stop myself from screaming.

"Now. Our proposal. I propose you kill either the kid or the ringleader and the rest of you go free." He smiles again. I glance around taking in my surroundings. "What's the other option ?"

He glances around just like I did. "Well Rose, everyone goes free with the exception of either your death or ?"
I roll my eyes. Even in a fudging zompoc most guys still want to get into your pants. I shrug. "Well Gareth, death for me it is. Only if everyone goes free first."

He smiles grimly. "Oh ok I was actually hoping you would take the lesser offer I thjnk we would make a nice couple." I gag at the idea. "Just kill me please." And with that two men drag me back to the container.

Gareth stops the two men. "She refused. " he then waved his hand and walked off. The two men turned to me and continued to drag me to the container. They opened the door just enough for some people to see me and they started to beat me.

Daryl went ballistic. Rick was the same and after what felt like forever everything stopped. I felt numb with pain. Arms wrapped around me and pulled me to their warm chest. And before I fell asleep that same someone whispered the words I've always wanted to hear

"I love you so much and I ain't gonna let anyone take you away ever again"

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