Answers from A doctor

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Hey guys I'm back with another part of TGWTRB enjoy !!

Daryl's POV

Jenner looked angry and nervous as we all watched this mysterious girl being carted off down a hall. I wanted to run to her and hold her in my arms... Wait no I don't! What the hell is wrong with me ! I look at Rick and he smirks and walks over to me. " you like her don't you ? " I glare at him. " no I don't so just go back to your corner." He grins. " Daryl's got a crush, Daryl's got a crush." I glare at him. "You better start walking away while you still can." He laughs. " OK, OK, calm down I was only messing." Jenner cleared his throat and we all got serious.

Rick glances around the group, since most where either showering or in the rec room, so me, rick, t dog, Andrea, dale and  Lori were left. We all look at Jenner waiting. He clears his throat out again and starts. "Well, um Rose or TS-26  came here a couple months back looking for refuge, she was pretty banged up,cuts, brusies and I gave it to her I mean who wouldn't? , with the admission of a blood test of course." He glanced around nervously we all looked at him waiting for him to continue.

"TS-26 was a fighter, I had Bill and Mike basically babysitting her for fear she would get out." Lori stood up and walked closer to Rick. " Why is that such a problem ?" Jenner looked really nervous now. "Well you see TS-26 her DNA is different, stronger even" I looked at him. "The hell you mean ? She like some sort of superhero?" Rick looked over at me. Jenner chuckled. "Yes she is, her DNA makes her stronger, faster and immune to sicknesses like the flu or common cold, or the likes of cancer or any terminal diseases." We all looked at him in shock. Rick spoke up." So is she immune to the walker virus ? " Jenner looked at him solemnly. " no if anything shes more prone to the "walker virus"

I had a question that was burning me inside out so I had to ask." "What'd gonna do with 'er when your done all your test'n ?" Jenner glanced towards the hall. " well I'll have no need for her so bill and mike can have her." Lori gasped " those two men !? Your seriously going to give her to them!? They'll kill her or worse !"

Jenner looked grave. "I don't care what happens to her after the tests are done, all she is is a reckless, violent and hell bent on escaping !!!" Lori stood up. " And you wonder why !? She has every right to escape every chance she gets ! " Lori was actually pretty calm, while Jenner was bright red. He went to say something when a sound I knew all too well was heard followed by a scream.

We all rushed down the hall to the last room, to see Rose was tied up by her hands, her shirt in shreds with scars and cuts and bruises that were worse than mine, being whipped, beat and basically tortured by Bill and Mike. She was screaming blue murder and i tried to get to her but Jenner and shane held me back.

Bill was standing with a bloody face, looking like he'd been smashed in the face with a chair, holding a whip and smiling while Mike was lying on the ground holding his face and crown jewels, moaning and crying.

Rose lifted her head and smirked, "I told you not to f***king touch me!" Bill strode over to her. " And I told you to keep your mouth shut, didn't I ? *punch* DIDN'T I !? " He wound up his arm and delivered a punch so hard we all heard a snap as his fist connected with her face.

Rose slumped downwards as she lost consciousness. Jenner cleared his throat. Bill looked over and mike stood up still moaning. " What is going on here !?!" Bill smirked "well you're done with her so..we're taking care of her like you said we could." My blood boiled and my temper rose I flew into the room beating them both senseless.

Lori and Andrea ran over to Rose cutting her down and she slumped to the floor. I ran over to her and lifted her not caring whether I was covered in blood or not. I glared at Jenner. "Where's your hospital room, we need to help her now !" He looked at me. Down the hall and take three rights." I sped off down the hall with Jenner Rick and Lori hot on my heels.

So guys ! How was answers from a doctor ?
Will Rose make it ?
What will happen to Bill and Mike ?
Will Daryl confess his 'crush' on Rose ?
If you guys have any ideas or suggestions just drop me a comment !
This is me signing off. :-P

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