10 The Plan.

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I run out of the bathroom to my closet and get ready. I put on my outgoing outfit and go downstairs and ring the bell. I know , we only ring the bell if someone's attacking but this is more important...
I ring it five times, so that everyone can hear. I go to the planing room and take a map and a pencil to mark the places. I hear everyone running down stairs. I grab the map and the pencil and go to the kitchen.
"Everyone calm down, no one is attacking..." i say to them while passing them.
"What ? Why did you ring the bell then, you know that bell is only when someone is attacking..." my mom says to me while i set up the map.
"And what are you doing..." she asks after i don't respond to her.
"Everyone , come. I have to tell you something..." i tell them and  Motion them to come in further.

They all come in and sits down by the dining table and i look at them.
"As you all know, i have this nightmare, every night i have the same one. The people that we have burned and the people I couldn't save. And my sister." I get Cut off by my mom.
"Where is this going ?" She ask.
"Just listen..." i pause. And look down.
"When i'm sleeping i see them all, when i'm awake i see only her... She doesn't say anything , usually she just reaches out for me and then she disappears. " i pause again.
"But today, after Dean said that maybe facing her will make her go away, i tried it, i tried facing her . She whispered something in my ear." I say and look at them.
"What did she say ?" John asks.
"She didn't really form a sentence, it was more like words. She said , demon, attacking, you, is, a , run, Jeremy." I say and pause, taking paper and a pencil and writing all the words down and showing them.
"Wait, who's Jeremy ?" Mary asks.
"Jeremy is a leader from school... when i was at school, something wasn't right. It felt so wrong. Everyone there felt so tense and scared. But he just looked like..." i pause trying to find the word.
"He looked powerful..." i continue.
"And he really wanted to know about the serum too, so i came to an understanding that, that is a sentence, just in the wrong order." I take the pencil again and write the words down again, but now only in the correct order.
I show them the paper.
"Jeremy is a demon, attacking you. Run" i say.
"Now, i just have to find out if there's someone else in the school as a demon. I don't think he works alone." I say.

"Wow, let's just not run to conclusion, okey..." mom says.
"Yesterday, demons and werewolves were working together... they don't word together. I think Jeremy is working with werewolves, i don't know why yet, but i will find out..." i say and they all just look at me.
"Say something..." i say.
"Alright, lets just go back a little. Okey. So tell us what exactly happened at the school." Sam says.
"Alright, i went in, there were traps but i saw them and everything, i went in and then they came pointing guns at me, like rifles, then a saw my friend , she came to me. Then the Jeremy showed up and pretended to play dumb... then we went to his office and talked. Oh and yea he knows you 4... by the way..." i tell them.
"What do you mean he knows us ?" Dean asks in an angry tone.
"He just said that i've been running with the Winchesters and that's kinda it." I say and pause.
"Look , i know i'm right. Maybe if i do this , then she'll go away and the rest of them too. " i say. I hope i'm sure. I have to be. I have to do this.
"And what's up with a map ?" John asks.
"They usually are in a big groups, right. " i take the map and put dots on the places with big demon groups. I connect the dots and It forms a star on the map. I pick up the map and show it to then.
"It's a star, Jeremy had them all over the school... and the school is right in the middle of the star. coincidence ? I think not..." say and put down the map.

"Alright. But we need a plan, if what you're saying is true, we won't be able to kill him so easily..." john says and i agree.
"I'll go with a sniper and spy at them. And y'all can go and see how many demons are per a group.... And start killing them..." i say.
"Alright, but Sam is gonna go with you..." John says and Sam nods.
"Alright..." i say. I don't want to argue. Even tho i work alone, he would be helpful. ...
"Alright, everyone lets go get ready and meet down here in 15, we're gonna take the map with us..." mom says and everyone agrees. Everyone goes to there room to get ready, while i go through the plant again.

So many things don't connect. If he was a demon, why would he let me go that day. The star ? Why a star ? Is there a meaning.

I go up to Deans and Sams room and knock at the doors. It didn't take them long to open them. Sam opens it.
"Can you give me Castiels cell number ?" I ask him and smile.
"Yea sure, but why ?" He asks.
"I have to ask him to research something for me..."
"Uh, yes, here you go." He gives me a peace of paper with a number on it.
"Thanks Sammy" i say and see Dean peaking behind Sam and i roll my eyes and walk away. I go into my room and call Castiel.

"Hey, it's Eira..." i say to him.
"Hey kiddo, what's up ?" He says probably surprised that i called.
"Can you quickly research something for me ?"
"Yea , of course what do you need ?"
"Um , a star. So many things has happened since you left and we found out that there is other people in the town, but their leader is a demon. And he uses  a star as a symbol and I thought that , that can mean something, i really don't know..." i say, god, I haven't talked this fast in a while.
"Okey, i'll call you if i find something..."
"Okey, thanks... I appreciate it..." i say and we say our goodbyes...

I take a moment to calm down. I'm tired. I sit down on my bed and just sit there for a while. Looking out my window.  I like how sun shines right into my faces while i look at it. I hear everyone going downstairs and i stand up. Before exiting my room i stand before a mirror and look at myself .
"Who have i become ?" I ask myself before walking out of the room and down the stairs to everyone else.

"Alright, ready ?" My mom asks everyone while i take my sniper.
"As always..." Dean says and exits the house first and everyone just follows. Dean throws his car keys to his brother.
"You two take my car..." he says and me and Sammy just look at each other and shrug. I put the sniper in the back.
"Hey, be careful, okey ?" My mom comes up to me before i sit in.
"Okey mom. I will." I say and she turns to San.
"You too..." she says and i smile and sit in the passenger seat in the front.

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