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I felt cold like I was laying down in water it felt weird it was really quiet all that could be heard was a faint very faint heartbeat

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I felt cold like I was laying down in water it felt weird it was really quiet all that could be heard was a faint very faint heartbeat. Have I wet the bed and am I'm laying in it no surely not because it would be warm.

My eyes shot open but I wasn't in my room where I fell asleep I was in water no red water I looked down infront of me there was a pile of bones my eyes slowly trailed up the pile of bones and a figure was sitting on top of it. Was this some weird dream? it felt very real I could feel the water I'm in.

"And why are you inside me" the figure spoke with a deep voice startling me.

I sat up quickly to look at who just spoke I couldn't make out who it was so I stood up to walk closer to get a better view of the man.

"Inside you? This is some weird ass dream" i replied to the man.

"This isn't a dream" the man said frowning down at me.


"I didn't give you permission to be inside me"

"You know how wrong that sounds" i snickered.

The shuffle of bones could be heard and within seconds he appeared infront of me. I gulped in fear.

"now again who are you and why are you here without my permission" the man scoffed getting right in my face.

Who even is this man and why am I dreaming about him but his breaths inches from my face felt so real this dream was way to realistic I didn't like it one bit.

"I just want to wake up" i replied "and who are you anyway" I crossed my arms.

"Brat" he grabbed my chin roughly. I could physically feel it this definitely feels too real.

"Like i said this isn't a dream your in my innate domain and as for who I am well" he smirked pushing my face away releasing the grip on my jaw.

"No way s-sukuna the king of curses" I stuttered out now scared.


"How am I here? I was asleep in my bed" I asked the curse.

"I don't know but I don't like you being here" he stood crossed arms a few feet away from me.

I felt terrified he could kill me at any moment and why am I here in the first place.

"Don't be scared I won't kill you if that's what your thinking" he smirked at my obvious scared state.

I couldn't say anything I was completely frozen I didn't know what to say. We just stared at each other what felt like ages but was only a few seconds before he broke the silence.

30 𝓓𝓐𝓨𝓢   { Megumi x reader }Where stories live. Discover now