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{𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓽 𝓫𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴}

{𝓵𝓪𝓼𝓽 𝓫𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴}

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"It's almost time"

Those three words spoke so softly and quietly but yet sounding so loud in the small quiet room, everyone sat in silence not knowing what to say or do their hearts are beating so perfectly every beat so strongly but that wasn't the case for the one person they adored and loved, no... it was the complete opposite her heart was fighting to just beat again and again and just once more while her body fought alongside those weak slowing heart beats trying to give her as much time but slowly like a light switch..

Her body would switch off peacefully she didn't fight it because she knew what was waiting for her on the other side, as y/n looked around the room at all the faces of those she's grown to love she smiled, just smiled she didn't fight her body she wasn't scared, it all felt okay and having those around her made it feel like it's okay to relax and let her body slowly shut down.

Megumi didn't understand no matter how many times Ieiri explained why this was happening he just couldn't understand he couldn't even cry although he is filled with so much sadness watching life take away the person he is so deeply inlove with.

"Megumi" her voice was weak but still sounding as beautiful as ever like a sweet gentle melody in Megumis ears.

He couldn't respond he just held her hand by her bed having his heart being torn at the reality of what's happening, only two hours ago he was begging Ieiri to save her to do something that what she was telling him can't possibly be true but it was and he may not fully understand right now but his somewhat accepted it accepted that all he can do is be one of the last faces y/n will see.

"It's okay" her words dragged out as she struggled to stay awake just a little bit longer "don't" her eyes began to grow heavy "don't cry I want to see your face without tears as a last memory" y/n reached her hand up with the help of his hand to reach his face feeling his soft skin in her hands just once more "you will understand soon"

"I don't understand" Megumi spoke quietly holding her hand on his cheek.

"You will I promise"

Itadori sat beside Nobara as they held each other in comfort Itadori understood but watching it now it broke him more. Nobara sobbed as quiet as she could y/n had said her goodbyes to everyone over the past few hours leaving only megumi to now say his goodbye while everyone watched.

The door to y/n's room opened slowly Inumaki walking in seeing tear stained faces and y/n laying on her bed just smiling, he walked over to her and although he shouldn't speak he needed to he needed to say those last words.

"I'll finish the book for you" tears began to fall as Inumaki picked up the book from the bedside table that y/n wanted so badly to finish, he can't read it to her but he can finish the book for her.

30 𝓓𝓐𝓨𝓢   { Megumi x reader }Where stories live. Discover now