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{ 27 𝓭𝓪𝔂𝓼 }

{ 27 𝓭𝓪𝔂𝓼 }

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Standing in a pure white room that seemed oddly bright but yet calming at the same time the room seemed endless I walked but every step I took the walls seem to keep extending out further there was no doors no exit it was silent but still i felt really calm like I was at peace in this place.

" y/n darling" a familiar voice spoke.

I could hear the voice but I couldn't find where it was coming from the voice called out to me again this time sounding closer.

" y/n darling"

"Where are you" I asked the beautiful voice.

"I'm right here"

"Where I can't see you"

"I'm here darling I promise"

Then a figure appeared in the distance of the extended white wall the person began to walk closer it was then I realised who this voice belonged to.

"Grandmother" I sobbed seeing my grandmother who had passed away 3 years ago.

"You've grown up so much" she said wrapping me in one of her warm comforting hugs.

I missed this I missed her so much ever since she passed I had no one that loved me anymore since my parents didn't but my grandparents did my grandfather died 2 years before my grandmothers passing.

"Where's grandfather?" I asked shaky voiced still sobbing.

"He didn't come with me but I'm here because I need you know something sweety" she pulled away from the hug and held my hands.

"What is it grandmother"

"Your passing may be sooner then you think"

She held onto my hands tightly while looking into my eyes. What she just said broke me what if it's true wait maybe I'm dead already is that why I'm here with my grandmother.

"But it's not your time yet sweety I need you to open your eyes now" she leaned in and kissed my forehead.

"No I don't want you to leave again I can't please don't go I've missed you" I cried harder.

"It's going to be okay we will see you again soon darling but I need you to open your eyes" her voice seemed like it was fading away.

I watched as my grandmother slowly very slowly seemed to be further and further away from me she looked like an angel a soft glow surrounding her as she slowly got further out of my view.

"Open your eyes now darling"

{dream end}

My eyes shot open I could feel my tears falling on my pillow I haven't dreamt about my grandmother in a year but maybe now I'm passing soon she's come to let me know she will be with me soon not just in a dream anymore. It's made me feel reassured that it's going to be okay.

30 𝓓𝓐𝓨𝓢   { Megumi x reader }Where stories live. Discover now