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{ 28 𝓭𝓪𝔂𝓼 }

{ 28 𝓭𝓪𝔂𝓼 }

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Death. Grieving. Trying to be happy after one passes. Only memories. All the things that follow after death for those who lost someone. First it's shock, then pain, then fake smiling because the memories of them just won't subside. I'm experiencing all those things since the passing of Itadori and yet I'm still hiding my death that's fast approaching and unstoppable but how can I put that pain on anyone else there's nothing anyone can do to stop it and if I told them they would spend the rest of what is it now? 28 days experiencing the thought of death. Somewhat grieving. Trying to pretend to be happy but constant worry and counting the days it wouldn't be fair so I have to keep my secret my dark secret that's haunting me. my life is a timer now.

The room was cold unusually cold today, the floor beneath my feet is just as cold I didn't want to move even though it was already almost midday I just sat on the edge of my bed head hanging low. "Death really does hurt huh" i said out loud letting the tears fall thinking about Itadori. My chest hurt today worse then before it's really becoming a reality that my death is nearing.

Pushing myself off the bed I made my way to the shower I have to still go on about my day I can't let someone passing stop my life what little life I had. The warm water rolled over my skin washing off my dried tear stained cheeks the warm water soothing and calming but I can't stay for the rest of today. I washed myself and my hair then got out the shower wrapping the towel around me and rubbing the steam off the mirror with my hand I dried myself and began getting ready.


Walking towards the steps where Kugisaki and Fushiguro were sitting I could just tell before even approaching them that his death was lying heavily on their minds more for Fushiguro he really like Itadori I can't imagine how saddened he must of been to have to witness it.

"I'm not the type to break down an fall into pieces when a guy I barely know dies" Kugisaki said as I approached them and sitting on the steps. She was trying so hard to contain her tears it was painful to see her like that even if she doesn't like me that much seeing her sad was upsetting.

"Hey" i said quietly as I sat down between the two.

Fushiguro turned to me and gave me a small smile before turning back to looking infront of him dropping the smile, Kugisaki didn't say anything just stayed staring to the front silent.

All three of us stayed silent for awhile until a girl with green hair and glasses stepped infront of us.

"So what's this" she said "your looking more bummed out then usual megumi. Having a wake?"

Did this girl really just ask that.

"What's up zenin" he replied in monotone.

"Stop calling me by my last name" she frowned whilst replying to him.

30 𝓓𝓐𝓨𝓢   { Megumi x reader }Where stories live. Discover now