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{ 21 days }

My bedroom door swung open with a loud bang as it hit the the wall Kugisaki came running in at lightening speed rushing into my bathroom to find me unconscious on the bathroom floor she heard my screams of pain next door the sick feeling she felt ...

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My bedroom door swung open with a loud bang as it hit the the wall Kugisaki came running in at lightening speed rushing into my bathroom to find me unconscious on the bathroom floor she heard my screams of pain next door the sick feeling she felt in her stomach hearing those screams she got up so fast running into the room.

" l/n can you hear me" she shook my shoulders gently.

No response..

No breathing..

No sound at all it was like Kugisaki had completely frozen when she realised the girl lying on the floor was not breathing her eyes filled with tears and she screamed out for help hoping anyone could hear she had no idea what to do all she could do was keep trying to blow air into the girl on the floors face she didn't know what to do.

Kugisakis throat began to hurt with all the yelling for help she felt so hopeless not knowing what to do tears blurring her vision.

Fushiguro ran into the room coming to a halt when he seen Kugisaki leaning over y/n on the floor not responding.

"Kugisaki what happened what's going on" he panically asked.

"I-I don't know all I heard was her scream the most sickening scream and I came in here she's not breathing Fushiguro she's not breathing" she replied through sobs with a shaky voice.

The boys face drained of colour until he quickly snapped out of it running out the door to find Ieiri the doctor he didn't know what was happening why y/n was on the floor why wasn't she breathing his breath became rapid while running as fast as he could.

He knocked on her door loudly and desperately she opened it within seconds finding megumi drained of colour and glossy eyes.

"Megumi what's wr-"

"It's l/n she's unconscious in her room she's not breathing"

Ieiri quickly grabbed medical equipment and rushed out the door following megumi down the path to the dorms and into the room.

Megumi was lost for words watching Ieiri performing cpr on y/n he liked this girl so much but couldn't tell her he thought she was passing away she looked dead and lifeless he sobbed with Kugisaki holding his arm. both the teens a complete mess watching Ieiri breathlessly repeating the cpr over and over and over.


"S-she can't be gone I think I was falling in love with her no no this can't be happening I never got to tell her... why is this happening" megumi stuttered out.

"Fushiguro we don't know if she's gone please don't say that" Kugisaki sat on a bench beside the broken boy.

The two teens got told to leave after paramedics had arrived they needed the space to work on y/n they decided to sit on a bench just outside of the dorms they didn't want to lose another friend to death.

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