The god takes birth

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A goat like creature opened his eyes and saw a massive light coming from something in front of him.
He asks:- Who are you? Who am I?
The body less creature said :- I am the god and your father who created you and your name is arceus. You are created for creating a world .
Arceus says:- But how will I create a world. I don't have such powers.
God says:- I had given you the power of creating the world and here is your brother. He pointed to a sleeping goat like creature. His name is darceus. Just like you wil bring happiness he will bring sorrow. You are symbol of light and he indicates dark. He will try to destroy your world.
Then arceus feel afraid then god says don't be afraid my son i have send him to sleep. He will not attack your world now.
Arceus:- but father why you created him if he will try to destroy my world.
God:- to maintain balance my son and don't be afraid when he will become stronger and awaken i will born in your world and destroy him. This makes arceus feel good then he says ok father now i am going to create a new world. God nodded and arceus leaves.
Then arceus makes three legendary Pokemon and he names them dialga, palkia and giratina. Dialga and palkia started to make a new world but giratina have bad intentions so arceus send him to distortion world. After that you all know what happens world was created and there was land water and sky. Then by the pressure of magma a new pokemon born named groudon. And by pressure in water a new pokemon born named kyogre. Similarly pressure in ozone forms a new pokemon named raquaza.
But after few time groudon and kyogre started to fight because groudon wants to spread land and kyogre wants to spread water all over the world this causes destruction everywhere and hence to protect the earth from getting destroyed raquaza have to come and stop the fight between two of them.
Soon after new species of pokemon started to develop
Soon humans born and the world started to grow. But time by time humans becomes cruel and they becomes hungry for power. Now arceus understand that his brother power have  started to awaken. And he knows that he can't defeat his brother because he was busy in saving his world and his lot of power has drained but his brother has not done anything without rest and sleeping. So he knows that there was not even a single possibility to win. Now he knows that he have to go to god for help and without wasting time he goes there.
God:- Welcome my child now you finally remember me.
Arceus:- yes father and now it is your time to born in my world and i have found a good place.
God:- So you have made arrangements.
Arceus:-Yes father.
God:- So now i am going.'And the light started to disappear and goes to a house in palet town through the window and goes in the stomach of a lady. On that day every pokemon in world feels the energy of the god and some of them started to go toward the source of the energy.

Now first chapter is finished. I will write new chapter tommorrow or day after tomorrow. Till then Bye Bye.

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