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A man more like an agent entered a dark room. There already was a man sitting on a chair.

"I got your thing," the agent stated. it was an easy job. "Good," came the chilling reply from the man in the chair, his features obscured by the darkness. "Now give it to me." the agent handed over the item.

I just had to have a check at the kanto official registry . I got what I wanted in no time. The officials obeyed me like an obedient child. Íts in the envelope there . I got his two photos''

"Well still now a small thing is twirling in my brain' 'spit it out' said the man. I want to know that why you want the photo of this kid here,.Its not like that it's important.

,You need not interfere," the man retorted sharply, his tone brooking no further questions. Feeling a knot of unease tightening in his stomach, the agent attempted to excuse himself. "So, I need to go now," he spoke

But before he could make his escape, the man's voice cut through the silence like a knife. "Where are you going?" "To my place," the agent replied, his voice laced with apprehension.

The man's response sent a shiver down the agent's spine as he began to laugh-a chilling, devilish laugh that echoed off the walls of the room. "Haha, do you think I will leave you after you know my intention?" he said coldly, his crimson eyes gleaming with malevolence.

Panic surged through the agent's veins as he struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation. "But I work for you," he stuttered, his voice trembling with fear.

"It does not matter anymore," the man declared coldly. .His gaze was terrifying.

As the agent attempted to flee ,he found himself unable to move. It seemed that his body betrayed him. And as the man's laughter echoed in his ears, the agent realized with dawning horror that he had unwittingly stepped into a trap from which there was no escape.

You are now no longer needed in this world. With this he caught him up with his throat and lifted him above. "Now " he said and locked his eyes with him.

As the agent looked into his eyes, he found a whole dimension inside his crimson bloody eyes. his whole body being torn into atoms. A wave of nausea washed over him as he realized that he was staring into the eyes of pure evil.

The agent's screams echoed through the room, but they were drowned out by the man's cruel laughter, a sound that sent shivers down everyone's spine. With a gut-wrenching lurch, he felt himself being sucked into the abyss, his very essence torn apart and devoured by the darkness.

And as his screams faded into the void, the man's laughter echoed through the empty room, a chilling reminder that in the presence of true evil, there is no escape.

One can defeat creatures of their own domain. BUT THIS SCENE WAS UNFOLDED BY AN OTHERWORLDLY DARK ENERGY


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