To The summer camp

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Note:- First read the chapter turning point. It has been uploaded after The true evil. So you may have not read that chapter.

Present Time

In the peaceful Kingdom of Rota, there was a palace amidst the beauty. In a room of that vast palace, there was a certain Raven Haired Boy sleeping soundly with soft snores.

He had a face which every boy of his age wanted . Features which could not be rivalled by anyone and a North Indian skintone (golden honey)which added something to it. In addition,he had a divine charm(chamak) on his face.

He was on his bed and the time was already 7. He would have been awake if yesterday's night he slept early. But being excited for the next day,he wasn't able to get a proper sleep.

There was a knock on the Door*knock*
*knock* '' prince Ash, please wake up , today is the day of your summer camp. Prof. Oak and Master Gary are already waiting for you "someone said from outside.

Ash's sleep was no more as he heard it . He threw over the blanket and sat in upright position. Panick surged him when he looked at the clock hanging on the wall. He quickly took his clothes and dashed towards the bathroom after saying ' coming Alissa just tell them to wait for few minutes. I will be right there soon'

Alissa giggled knowing he overslept. She knew that he will not have a proper sleep as she was well aware of his eagerness. He would always talk about that event and was very excited to go there. Alissa remembering the fact chuckled that his Pokemon were also behaving the same way. ' Like trainer like Pokemon ' she mumbled and walked downstairs. Automatically a soft smile got plastered on her face.

Minutes later, as Ash had promised , arrived downstairs and made his way to the living room.He while entering noticed Prof. Oak and his best pal Gary sitting there on the sofa talking to his Mother Delia and Aunt Illene.

Prof. Oak noticed him and stood up before saying 'Ash, my boy. I was waiting for you. You're late but don't worry , we are here to take you to pallet town. '

''Yeah , Prof. Oak sorry about that, i was feeling a lot sleepy today. But no worries I'm here now , and I'm too excited for the trip and the camp itself. "Said ash

'Yeah i know you are excited Ashy boy, but i don't want to be late for the camp for your damned introduction and the sake of the plot. I want to attend the camp.' said gary angrily...

"Yeah yeah gare bear whatever. Prof. I also want to get there as soon as we can, so shall we head towards the place"said ash

" Sure ash. I have parked my jeep in the lot, let me get it . You both can accompany me " said prof and headed outside the palace towards the packing area .

They took their seats and bid a farewell to everyone there . Soon they took their leave.

Time skip.

The jeep was on the way, prof. driving through the forest and the outskirts of cities . The kids continued to glance and talk about  the different pokemons which they found in the way..being very excited as Ash was, always eager to start the conversation and ask prof about any unknown pokemon which he saw in the way.

Prof. continued to tell them about each of them, their typing , specialties and their life style . In the middle of conversation,he often told them about the true meaning of a Pokemon Master and how can they become one..

''Remember ash, it is not to be the best pokemon trainer or the strongest champion , but it is much above that. A Pokemon Master is one that knows about their Pokemon and have a strong bond with them  ''  said prof.

''Have a strong bond, i don't understand you professor.  '' yea grandpa , can you please elaborate"  asked gary and ash confused about what he wanted to tell them.

Seeing them prof. chuckled light heartedly and then elaborated " it means that we should love our Pokemon in the same way we love a friend, befriend every single pokemon in our journey and try not to hurt any of them. You should have a special bond with them , the same you have with eachother. You should understand each other and think for the betterment of eachother. Don't just train them rigorously and roughly just to make them stronger. That's clearly not a Pokemon Master should do. And the last and the most important thing, Don't work for the outcome, rather enjoy the process...

This made them surprised as they they got a new point of view to watch things. They got it embedded in their core of brain, especially the last line..

Prof. added " you both are quite new to this world, you will understand soon the true meaning of life. "Don't worry for the outcomes. Do your duty, complete your work and then let the time tell the results.''

''Wow , thanks professor. You gave us a lot of knowledge and we have got a new way of thinking. I think I'm understanding what you are talking about, Don't you Garry'' said ash

"Yeah me too gramps. I didn't know that things were this deep. I admit that i didn't understand it completely, still i got the rough idea what you are talking about. Thanks gramps, I will always keep in my brain

Prof. Oak smiled listening them and thought" I'm sure you will. Infact I'm sure you both will reach what is called the true greatness. I feel like you both are destined for it.  Time is the greatest teacher there. When the time will come , The World will witness your greatness. I believe in both of you..

Time skip

They reached pallet their hometown and then to the prof lab. When they stepped on the land and smelled the fresh air of pallet.. "Oh, I feel very good to be here again. This smell of pallet is too nostalgic and good to be true. I really missed this place even though it's been not very much time.

"Yeah I know what you are talking about Ash. This is too good here. I also feel the same way when I'm off the town" said Professor Oak..

Let's get to the buses grandpa. They maybe waiting for us..

'  Yeah prof. I also am eager to meet my friends here.' with this they went to the other side of the lab. They saw the buses their..

They entered into one of the buses. It was not a normal passenger bus, but a full 2 storeys having capacity to carry 60 students at a time. It was silvery white with golden stripes on the outside. Inside the seats were sift and bouncy.

Ash and Gary proceeded to take the last row . Prof. took the seat near driver.

There were many kids inside . Ash recognised his friends as they made their way towards him to sit close by and have fun.

When everyone sat inside, the bus took its leave for the camp. Everybody was excited to have some fun meeting new people and making them their friends..

Let the time unfold the great events which will take place in the future ...

As it is said, it is just the beginning..

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