A match in 'Rota'

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Ash along with prof. Oak and Delia had arrived rota at the evening and book a room in the hotel for their stay. (They can't book a room in pokemon center because they are not trainers now).Now they are wandering around the kingdom.

First they went to the mall to choose an outfit for Ash . All the outfits there was great but ash didn't liked any of them . He was searching for a different type of outfit that will make his look different from others.

After searching a little he found that outfit. When he found that he had stars in his eyes. That outfit was an aura guardian outfit. It was same as ' The Sir Aaron, The Legendary warrior.'

He picked the outfit and ran towards his mom .His mom was also selecting an outfit for her when she saw ash running towards her with an outfit in his hand.

When ash came near her he asked' Mom, can you buy this outfit for me'
'Yes, sure' Her mom said then added. ' It will look great on you' 'Thanks mom'
Ash thanked her.

Then ash went to the changing room and then after some time he came back wearing that outfit. He was looking stunning. All the girls who were there even one or two years olders than him were staring at him.(😏😏😏)

Then Delia came near him and said 'ash dear ,you look amazing

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Then Delia came near him and said 'ash dear ,you look amazing.' ash thanked her by saying' thanks mom'
Then they went towards the palace for the championship.

The rules of championship was simple . There were 32 participants. In which one was Our protagonist Ash.Every one was older than 13 years. Ash was the youngest of all.

As the championship started. The first match was between ash and a boy named Mike. When ash entered into the stadium ,then everyone was shocked that a boy merely of age 5 was going to battle the runner up of kanto league.

Yes ,mike was the runner up of kanto league. Every one was thinking that mike will one shot this child. But there were two people who had faith on ash. They were prof. Oak and Delia. They were cheering for them.

Unknown to them ,two more people were cheering for ash. They were the queen and Red. But no one knew that . Not even the personal maid of the queen.

Back to the match.

Refree looked at the queen for the confirmation . Queen gave a signal to start the match by nodding her head.
' This is a match between ash ketchum from pallet town and the kanto league runner up Mike botano from gold city of kanto. Both of you send out your pokemon ' said the refree.

Then the match started . Mike threw a pokeball from which a blastoise came out and gave a loud roar. Then ash threw a pokeball from which a scizor came out. Scizzor stands their with it's hand crossed.

'you weak, you can't defeat me ' mike said with his voice full of arrogance then added ' you are just a kid . What is your age kid' ' turning five in two months' ash said.

'A kid not even of five can defeat me , haha' Mike said clearly understimating ash. ' we will see' ash said.

'Start the battle' refree said.

From now all the things which the opponent will say will be in underlined italic.

' Blastoise, show that weak what we are , hydro pump' Blastoise launches a jet of water towards scizzor.'scizzor hyper beam' ash commanded. Scizzor launches bink beam of light towards Blastoise.

Both attack collided with each other but after one or two seconds hyperbeam started pushing it at great pace and hitted the Blastoise. Blastoise cried with pain due to that impact.

Every one was shocked due to this . Thet were thinking how could a child's pokemon attack can overpower the attack of the runner up of kanto league.
Even mike was surprised. This was impossible for this kid to posses that much power.

'shocked, huh' ash taunted ' no , not a bit' mike lied then ordered ' use skull bash' ' scizzor, wait till it comes near you then catch it with your claws then throw it back. And then use hyperbeam' Ash ordered scizzor.

And the same happened. When Blastoise came near scizzor he grabbed it with his claws then threw it back and used hyperbeam finishing him.Blastoise had swirls in his eyes.

'Blastoise is unable to battle . So the winner is ash and scizzor. ' refree announced.Mike was completely shocked due to this . He can't beleive he lost to a child of 5 years. How he could lost.

All these thoughts were flooding into his mind. But he didn't saw a shadow of someone approaching him.He looked up to see who was there . And when he saw the face he became confused. Yes it was the same boy who defeated him .It was ash.

But the next thing he did shocked him. He raised his hand for a handshake. Then he asked why he want a handshake from him. He is a looser who get two shotted by a kid of 5 years. But he again got shocked by what the small boy said. He said that ' you are not a looser cause you fight well. You don't do any cheating. You are the real winner. Don't loose hope' after listening to ash he got tears in his eyes. Then he hugged ash and said sorry for the behaviour.Ash accepted that sorry and said 'there is no need to cry' and he wiped the tears from mike's eyes. Then they both do a bro shake and then left. All the audience have tears in their eyes
After seeing the short show in front of them . (I know a little overacting)

Then ash went towards prof. Oak and delia and they congratulated them .
They said him that they are proud of him .

Wow ,Exactly 1 k words.It was so much tiring . I had left some space between each paragraph.

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