Chapter 33 - Love

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It had been two weeks since Briar had slept properly. It was too hard for her to return to her dorm and stare at Genevieve's empty bed and dusting belongings. And sleeping in the common room was difficult, there was too many people and too many noises, she rarely got more than three hours a night.

People had begun to ask questions about Genevieve's disappearance. The last person she was seen with was her Ravenclaw boyfriend, Evan Ludwig. He swears she said she was going to bed. Of course as her roommate Briar was questioned. But thankfully Casper had brewed up a calming draught for her. She spoke to the professor's with ease saying that she left for bed before Genevieve and she didn't see her by the time she fell asleep. No one seemed suspicious of her thankfully.

The one person who had been completely absent was Tom. The rest of the knights were regularly checking in. Tom was distant, she rarely saw him and when she did, he did not speak to her. All she wanted was for him to reach out and comfort her, tell her that it was his fault, assure her that nothing bad will come of this. But of course, he did none of that.

Briar sat at the Slytherin table eyeing Evan as he wept into his tea. That was what hurt Briar the most. Knowing that she had hurt people who had done nothing to her. Genevieve had betrayed her and potentially put Briar's life at risk. But Evan, her family, they didn't deserve the pain they were going through. Genevieve was a model student, perfect grades, head girl, a lot of people loved her. She wondered if they still had any hope in their hearts, hope that she'd show up out of the blue batting her thick lashes. And then she wondered how much it would crush them if they knew she wouldn't.

"Emeralds, I mean this in the nicest way possible," Abraxas began. "You look like shit."

"Maybe because I haven't slept properly in 2 weeks! That ever cross your thick skull?" she growled at him.

"We're just worried Briar. Please take care of yourself," Casper said.

"Where's Riddle?" she asked.

"I thought you didn't want to see him?" Casper questioned.

"I didn't. But it's been two weeks. I thought he would of," she stopped taking a small breath. "I thought he would of checked in by now."

Aleks exchanged a glance with Casper. "Having hopes like that about Riddle is pointless. The only person that matters to him is himself," Aleks said.

"Well you're wrong. He killed a girl for me, he promised me for-" she stopped herself before she let her emotions get the better of her again. She shook herself mentally, she was defending a murderer, justifying his actions with herself. She felt sick to her stomach. "I'm sorry, I know you're all right. It just, it hurts."

"Just please eat something and get a decent nights sleep when you can." Abraxas levitated a piece of toast onto her plate. Just as she was about to eat it, a voice interrupted her.

"Miss Emeralds," Slughorn said. She turned to face him. "Headmaster Dippet is requesting a word." She stood from the table, as did Casper. "Sorry Mr Rosier, but Dippet has requested she come alone."

"But Professor," Aleks began. "Her friend has been missing for two weeks. She's not exactly in the best state, I think it would be better if Rosier accompanied her."

"Your loyalty and concern for Miss Emeralds does not go unnoticed Mr Avery. Five points to Slytherin. But rest assured Briar will be perfectly okay in the company of the headmaster."

Briar glanced at them. "I'll be okay." That was a lie. She'd be lucky to make it to his office without fainting. They have to know something. Why else would he summon her alone?

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