Chapter 38 - Play me a Song

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"Stop it Briar!" Tom scolded her as he gripped her wrists trying to stop the faerie from ruffling his hair. "How much further?"

"Not far she lives just up here." She pointed to a rundown house on the hill. "That's where I'd go for our lessons."

"And this lady was familiar with all the children at the orphanage?" he questioned as they walked.

"She would often come and donate many things, she took a particular interest in me."

They stepped up onto the rickety floorboards outside of her house. Briar folded her fingers into a fist and knocked three times. There was no answer. "Mrs Palmland?"

"Go away. I'm not interested in joining you lot."

"Mrs Palmland, it's me, Briar Emeralds." There was a silence. The door creaked open just slightly, enough for them to see the old women's eye peeking at them through the crack.

"It really is you." She stared at Briar in shock as she opened the door fully. "Alright," she huffed. "Come in."

They were seated on her couch as she boiled the kettle. Her frail hands shaking as she lifted the heavy thing. "If you don't mind me asking, who did you think we were?" Tom said leaning back into the couch, legs crossed elegantly.

"You ask too many questions boy. I don't even know your name."

"Tom Riddle. Now care to answer?" Briar slapped the side of his leg.

"Ignore him. He's a twat."

"A dangerous one," the old lady said, pouring the hot water into the cups. "Grindelwald's men have been around her a few times. Trying to convince me to join them. I'm a sensor. I sense magic. When you came knocking I could sense dark magic, dark magic that's similar to theirs." She eyed Tom harshly as she handed him his cup of tea.

"Well I can assure you I'm not working with Grindelwald." Tom gave her a charming smile.

She ignored him. "I thought they sent you off to that magic school," she said said looking at Briar.

"They did, I'm on holidays. We actually came back here to search for something. You don't happen to know anything about protective stones, do you?"

The old lady sighed. "No."

"Tell me Miss Palmland, do you know what Briar is?"

"It's Mrs," she said harshly to Tom. "Like I said, I'm a sensor, I can sense all different types of magic. When I first met Briar at the orphanage I could tell straight away what she was."

"How come you didn't turn her in?" Tom asked.

"She was a child! A child that deserved a chance at a normal life." Briar smiled at the lady, she gave a comforting smile back. "He's too powerful though. You children need to listen to me when I tell you to drop this quest. No good will come of it."

"What do you mean?" Briar asked leaning forward slightly.

"If he knows you exist, which I'm assuming he does. You have no chance girl. Your best hope is to disappear somewhere far away from here."

"So you know nothing that could help us?" Briar asked.

"I'm not helping you kill yourself." Briar was about to respond, but Tom butted in again.

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