Dear Tom

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Dear Tom,

If you are reading this then I must be gone.

I know what is coming, I must sacrifice myself but only if I am brave enough to do so. I finally understand Henry's words. The life I have created at Hogwarts, the friends I've made, I must give it all up, and that takes bravery.

I know you must be mad at me for not telling you what was to come. You probably think you could have prevented it, but you couldn't have. You would have only driven yourself mad for months trying to change my fate.

I know you to well, it's easier this way. I know you well enough to know that you just clenched your jaw out of anger reading that part. And now you have a slight smirk on your face as you read this.

Since I cannot be there to tell you in person, let me write all the things I wish for you.

I wish for you too be great and successful at what you do. I wish for you to be powerful, but fair. I wish for your name to be known worldwide for all the right reasons. Not the wrong ones. I wish for you to open your heart again to someone else, the way you not so easily opened it to me. I wish for you to be happy. And lastly, I wish for you to destroy your Horcrux so that you can live a meaningful life. Because without death Tom, nothing you do in life will count.

I remember when we thought we must be immortal to care for each other forever, but I am realising now, that is not true. Because even in death I will love you.

Know that as your chest is tight reading this, I am flying freely once more.

Forever yours,

Briar x

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