How you met

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You met Samuel few weeks before he came to your school as a scholarship student at the restaurant he works in. You were there with your mom for lunch and while she was talking about your trip to Mexico you were observing your cute waiter. After few minutes your mom went to work and left you alone again. Your cute waiter notice your sad face and decided to talk to you if you're alright or if you need anything. You were talking for a while and decided to exchange your numbers.

You and Ander know each other since you were little kids. You two were inseparable. You were the best duo for any trouble. But you get older and Ander started spending his time with his new best friends Guzmán and Polo while you were always with Lu, Carla and Marina.

You are Samuel twin sister and same as Samuel, Christian and Nadia you get yourself a scholarship. On your first day in your new school in Las Encinas you decide to go little earlier so that you could explore it there. And because you were lost in your own thoughts you didn't even notice that you bumped into someone. Into someone who wasn't happy that you spill all of your coffee on him.

You met Nano at Samuel house. You were helping Samu with his homework for math and his brother Nano couldn't leave you two alone without any questions and flirty comments.

Christian was one of the new students of Las Encinas. You actually didn't care about him at first because you find him stupid and cocky but after sometime Azucena ask you to help Christian with his studies and you agree with her but not because you want to.

You know Polo as Carla boyfriend. You are not that close but the looks you two give each other says something different.

You and Valerio met at party before he started to go to Las Encinas. You were dancing and drinking together and later decided to go to your house to have some fun.

Omar is your drug dealer. One day you were so sad about your life and all of your problems. You decided to buy some joint to get high and forget about all of this.

You met Patrick in school. You fall for him for the first time you saw him because you couldn't resist to his beautiful eyes and his gorgeous smile.

You met Phillipe troughs your parents. They think that he is perfect for you and that you should try to date him. They even talking about marriage which makes you angry.
Hello guys, this is my first chapter/preference. I hope you will like it.
Also sorry for any mistakes but English isn't my first language.
Have a nice day and enjoy. 🤍✨🚀

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