The Death of Shawn Greene (A New Day Part 5)

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              I started heading over to the barn to find Hershal, even though I wasn't particularly fond of the guy, I decided that I should still help him out with maintaining the farm. Especially since his son saved my life, as well as Clemintine and (Y/N). I walked into the barn where Shawn told me to find him, and I saw Hershal raking up the hay inside. He took a small pause once he saw me, and gave me a snare. 

"You should know that if you weren't leaving with Kenny I wouldn't stand for your lack of honesty last night." He said continuing to work. 

"I'm not sure I follow?" I said looking at the man questionably. 

"How did you get out of Atlanta?" 

"....I was on my way out anyway, the timing of all of this just happened to be right."

"Ha." He sarcastically chuckled. "If there ever is a good time the supposed apocalypse." 

"This farm is a nice plot of land," I said changing the subject. 

"If you told me twenty years ago I'd still be doing this, I would have told you that you're full of crap. Never was the plan, having a place like this. It was in the family, and I guess so was I. Family is important; do you agree?" 

"Was brought up to, yea." 

"Wheres your family now? Parents? Wife? Girlfriend?" 

"My parents are in Macon, with my brother." 

"Well, I hope they're alright, but now you got these little girls to take care of. Clementine and (Y/n)? You just stumbled upon them?" 

"I was being attacked and they came to my rescue."

Hershal planted his pitchfork into a pile of hay and walked over to me with that same snare from before. 

"Can I give you a piece of advice?" He asked. 

"What is it?" 

"I don't know who you are, or what you did, but you better become a better liar and fast. Let's say things don't get better back in the cities, or they get worse before they do. You're going to have to depend on the honesty of strangers. And if those same people get to questioning yours, you're going to be in trouble. So whoever you are, and whatever you did, keep it to your damn self. As well as you better check that attitude, friend." 

 Before I could get a word out, we heard a scream coming from Shawn. Hershal and I both looked at each other then ran off to where Duck and Shawn were. 

"Go I'll get my gun!" Hershal said running to the house. 

                 Once I arrived at the back of the house, I saw a herd of zombies around the fence, and Shawn was stuck underneath the tractor. Shawn tried to crawl away but the wheel was pressing too hard onto his leg. Duck looked over but then was grabbed by one of the zombies. I looked at the two and made a quick decision. I ran over to Duck and started punching the zombies to have them let go of Duck. Before I could even grab Duck, Kenny climbed up onto the tractor and started pulling Duck away, but the zombie wasn't letting go. So I punched it again, and Kenny pried Duck away. 

"Now we get Shawn," I called to Kenny. 

"Get this tractor off of me!" He screamed. 

I was expecting Kenny to help, but he just took off with Duck in toe. 

"Lee help me please!" Shawn cried. 

I ran over to help him, but the fence gave way and they started to bite Shawn. Hershal arrived to witness the death of Shawn with his rifle in hand. He then started shooting at the zombies to get them to stop eating the corpse of his son. Once they were dead, he knelt down to his boy and caressed his face. Everyone started to make their way back over to us once the chaos died down. 

Hershal turned to us with an angry look in his eyes. Like as almost as if he was hurt and betrayed by us.

"Get the fuck outta here!" He screamed at us.

"Im sorry." Kenny said avoiding making eye contact with Hershal.

"Sorry? Your son's alive, you dont get to be sorry! And you." He said turning to me. "You didnt even try to help."

"I thought I could help them both." I admitted.

"Look at him." He said gesturing to Shawns corpse. "You thought wrong, and now....please get out. Get out and never come back!" He said turning away from us.

All of us starting walking away from Hershal, with a sad look in all of our eyes. We started to head over to Kenny's truck when all of us stopped and looked at each other. 

"You got that ride to Macon if you want it." Kenny said. 

"Thanks," I said. 

We all piled up into his truck and started making our way to my hometown, Macon, Georgia. 

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