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hey guys i'm back

please ignore if any mistakes are there..

all suggestions, positive, and negative comments are accepted...

i hope i'm upto your expectations..

happy reading....



Ny : I know everything about you and I also know what you can do with me but I'm not at all scared of you MR. ANMOL MALHOTRA

An : cat got the tongue haan you very well know I can kill you like I did with your dear husband and your so called best friends. Still you are saying this

Ny : I very well know what you did to my husband, my brother and my best friend but I'm not scared. Today I'll finish what you have started I'll call the police and give the evidences against you. Do you really think I'll leave you and let go of you, after whatever you did you did with my husband and my friends.

An : even though you have evidences against me you can do nothing with them 

Ny : oh really but after learning the truth MY SON manik will not leave you for whatever you did with me, my husband, and most importantly my best friend YASH MURTHY & SUNAINA YASH MURTHY.

This came as a shock to manan and cavya. Nandini don't know how to react and about to fall but was held by manik before falling.

An : oh so you really think I'll leave evidence after killing them in accident, and how could you think after knowing my truth I'll leave you.

Ny : I'm not scared of you any more, because of you I have to pretend infront of my son that I hate him but not anymore.

An : then bear the consequences bhabhiji

Anmol take's his gun and point towards Neyonica

An : I'm warning you for the last time give me the shares of all the malhotra industries or else I'll shoot you

Ny : whatever you do I don't care and I'll not give you any shares.

Anmol shoots Neyonica, in fear Neyonica closes her eyes but not feeling any pain she opens her eyes to see a person standing infront of her. And heard a scared voice NANDINIIII

Yes the person standing infront of Neyonica is nandini she came running and stood infront of Neyonica when anmol pulling the trigger of the gun. Before she recognizes what happened she lost her conscious due to the unbearable pain and falls in manik's arms. cabir tries to catch anmol but in mean time anmol escapes from there.

Manik was shocked to see his life, his love, his possession, his everything in the pool of blood and in unconscious state. He came into his senses by listening Neyonica's voice.

M : huh

Ny : manik let's take her to the hospital we don't have time

M (shouts ) : cabir bring the car fast

Cabir brings the car to the main entrance of malhotra mansion and opens the door for manik while manik is carrying nandini in his arms. And soon their car is in the busy roads of Mumbai. Neyonica and navya follow them in Neyonica's car.

Manik while patting nandini cheeks panicking.

M : open your eyes. Please open your eyes don't do this to me please cabir drive fast .

M : nandini open your eyes

Nandini breathing heavily opens her eyes and sees manik

M : do..n't close your eyes talk to me

N :

M : ha ha nandini say baby please talk to me baby don't close your eyes

N (crying) : manik it's paining

M : we are here baby we almost reached to hospital please don't close your eyes.


Soon they reached to the hospital and lay nandini on the stretcher

M : doctor!! doctor!!!

By listening manik's voice doctor came running to them as the doctor is malhotra's family doctor he knows about manik.

Dr : what happened to her manik

M : doctor please check her please

Doctor after checking nandini

Dr : nurse take her to the OT immediately

immediately nandini is rushed to the OT and manik and cabir are waiting outside the OT. Soon Neyonica and navya are also reached their.

Ny : manik where is nandini is she fine

Manik said nothing and pointed towards the OT showing her that his nandini is inside the OT.

Navya called Chachi to come to city hospital and tell everything once she reached

Meanwhile Neyonica messaged someone to come to city hospital as it was emergency. Manbir was observing her but didn't say anything cabir is side hugging navya to give her the support whereas navya was crying badly. Neyonica is also crying bitterly and praying to god for nandini health silently in all these manik sat on the bench without blinking his eyes and not moving an inch like a statue.

Soon chachi reached there and sees manik, cavya and Neyonica their but nandini is no where.

Ch : Neyonica

By listening chachi voice everyone turns towards the voice and sees chachi their

Ny (crying) : shanno nandu

Ch : what happened to nandu and why all of you are sitting like this

Voice : .......

Listening to the voice all looked at the direction of voice by seeing the owner of the voice cavya and manik is shocked.........


that's it for today

PRECAP : whose voice is that?

why manik and cavya are shocked seeing the person??

how did shanno know about neyonica?

lets see what's goining on next....

few words about neyonica.

few words about manan.





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