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In a villa there are three persons, two men and one lady are discussing something.

Person1 : amms I got a news from alya that abhi marriage is going in murthy mansion.

Am : okay we have planned to stop the wedding right anmol what about the update of our plan

An : amma manik, cabir and abhi got doubt on dhruliya and mukti

Yes they are amms, anmol malhotra and harshad saxena.

Am : how? we are doing perfect right. Harshad what happened

H : amms actually aryaman stole manik's presentation and got caught, so police arrested him

An : we cant even get a bail to him

H : why 

Am : because we cant even hire lawyer as we have no money for that we need murthy's and malhotra's property anyhow.

An : lets think about another plan

Am : anmol book tickets to three of us

An : why amma

Am : we will kidnap nandini as she is the weak point of murthy's, malhotra's and khanna's only on her name there are cores of property which we cant neglect. By blackmailing we can acquire their properties.

H : wow nice plan I'm excited to see my enemy manik's crying face.

An : yeah the plan will work as nandini is now 5 months pregnant too.

H : then I'll book 3 tickets for us to London.

Am : good make it fast

With this all laughed evilly.


All reached to murthy mansion by afternoon. By entering

Devils : home sweet home

N : I missed it

A : even me too

C : we can cherish our childhood.

M : I second you for the first time cabir

C : yeah why wont you as you have sweet romantic moments with my bunny right

M : cabirr

C : yeah manik I know my name

Abhi smacks cabir head

A : stop your lame joke cabir

Av : why are you saying to my brother like that

M : abhi did correct only

N : what correct I wont tolerate my cabu bhai's insult

C : that's like my sister's

Cabir shows his tongue to manik and abhi but navya smacks cabir head

Na : cabir if you didn't move from here then I will ban your snacks for 1 week

C (horrified) : what no you cant do that to me

Na (smirking) : try me

M, A : wow that's like my behana

M : and you nanhi I'll cut your ice creams for 1 month

A : and avni I'll ban your chocolates for 2 months

Av, N (horrified) : no we are going in

With this abhi manik and navya hi-fied and moved in with sulking nandini, avni and cabir.

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