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M : doctor how is my wife and babies are they fine? What happened to them

Dr : she is fine Mr. Malhotra relax she needs rest and under sedatives so she is sleeping

M : babies how are they

Dr : by gods grace they are fine she is too weak because of that accident. So take care of her she should not feel a slightest stress she should be happy if not I may fear that not only me but no one could not be able to save her next time.

M : no.. no I will take care of her properly. Can i see her

Dr : yeah you can but don't disturb her and also you can take her home after she got conscious.

M : thank you doctor

After doctor left manik signaled something to abhi and cabir. They understand what manik wants so they nodded, with that manik went inside nandini's ward

After entering inside nandini's ward when he saw her lifelessly lying on the hospital bed surrounded by machines his heart pricked and he felt like someone stabbed in his heart with the dagger and felt like his heart is bleeding. With slow steps he moved towards her bed and sat beside her.

Manik rested his head on her chest holding her hand in his hands staring her. After what felt like eternity nandini gained her conscious. She tried to open her eyes feeling movements from her manik looks upwards and understands that she regained her conscious and trying to open her eyes so to adjust her for the lighting he kept his hand infront of her eyes protecting her eyes for the direct exposure of the light.

M : nanhi baby slowly open your eyes

Nandini after opening her eyes saw manik infront of her and manik cupped her face in his hands kissing on her forehead.

M : nanhi do you feel pain anywhere how are you baby let me call doctor wait

Before nandini could speak anything Manik left to call doctor. Doctor after checking nandini said that she is fine and can take her home

After formalities and all nandini is taken to mannat mansion. 


After reaching mansion manik made nandini to sit in living room comfortably by adjusting the pillows on her back. Soon everyone settled in living room and manik messaged someone in his phone.

Within minutes cabir and abhi came with three other persons and suddenly throw them on the floor near nandini's legs. That's when they saw who they are. Seeing them their anger raise

Ny : what the hell what are they doing here

Ne : who told them to bring here

As : aren't they in jail

R : say something guys

M : dad we just need a closure so they are here don't worry nothing to worry

Manik nodded to them stood infront of dhruv, alya and mukti with cabir, abhi, avni and navya.

M : I really don't ask you guys any answers but we will just ask you some questions. So first coming to mukti

M : so mukti why do you hate nandini and our babies. Just say me frankly if you really even for one second genuinely felt like I am your brother in your life

Mu : because of her fab5 broke, because of her only I lost my abhi

A : I am not yours I'm already married and I have a beautiful wife inside out not like you who is just selfish. You really think that after what you people did and what words did you use my sister I will forgive you? Then let me burst your bubble Miss. Mukti Vardhan, I wont allow any single scratch on my baby sister do you really think that I will forget what you said to my sister?

C : what you think about yourself mukti yours is love and you can separate your brother cum best friend love but no one should separate your love like seriously

Av : abhi suffered because of you mukti he is broken It took 2 years for him to move on from you but you wont understand anything because you are just selfish

Na : no one broke fab5 you yourself broke it you yourself lost everything because of your selfishness and insecurities.

M : and you two because of yours stupid insecurities and jealousy you want me to leave her? In our relationship she know that I love you people like anything but she never felt insecure and never asked me to choose between you people and her? But what you people did

C : now I am regretting and ashamed that once upon a time you people are my best friends you guys don't deserve anyone you are just greedy and jealous about other

M : if you kept your selfishness, greed and jealousy you could have earned lots of money and fame but no you want to get jealous and cry on someone's happiness

Na : what you thought we didn't see you tried to harm nandu and avni in wedding preparations

M : do you really think we are dumb after what you have done you really think we will trust you? No a big NO so I have hire detectives behind you and tapped your phone calls we know every activity of yours.

C : what you thought you throw pebbles on stairs so that nandu will step on those and lose her babies but to your bad luck I saw that and saved my bunny

M : after mixing glass pieces in mehandi you thought to harm her but there also your plan was failed as me and cabir intentionally made you to throw that mehandi on ground and created it as accidental.

Na : not only that seriously alya and mukti after mixing itching powder in avni's haldi you can escape from us then let me reveal that we saw that you are mixing some power in haldi but your useless brain doesn't work properly at that time you left that power packet there itself so after seeing that we came to a conclusion that you added itching powder

C : so to save avni my madhubala without anyone's notice added neem leaves in water you know because of neem bitterness and its scientific nature before reaction of that itching power itself neem water healed avni. Neem just breaks the reactions of itching power because of its bitterness.

M : and now you are going to your partners you know I am sending you people to jail

N : manik before that can I speak

M : anything nanhi

Nandini said nothing but slapped dhruliya and mukti hardly. And throws some papers to be precise some document papers on their faces. Seeing those papers mukti and dhruliya are shocked.

D : no you cant do that

Al, Mu : you cant destroy our careers

N (smirking) : oh I already did

D : how can you and how dare you

N : I think you didn't read the documents correctly when you are signing them for fusion music labels. No problem I will explain that I know you missed that point, it states that if you harm me or my family I have full rights on your business and can do anything so I just took hold of your shares and also destroyed your not so good career.

M : don't worry you are going to jail for at least 15 years minimum. After that if you again try to harm my family or come near them I will make sure you guys land up in MENTAL ASYLUM

Soon police officers arrested dhruliya and mukti. After that drama everyone retired to their rooms with a happy note that everything is fine.


PRECAP : epilogue



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