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hey people....

happy reading...



Devils and D4 reached to shopping mall in their cars and moved inside the mall

M : we can divide in pairs and lets shop

C : no we cant take risk of letting you two go separately

M : why

C : what why you will do open romance in mall too so we wont allow you

Na : yes bhai girls will go separately and boys will go separately.

A : okay

With this girls dragged nandini for shopping and boys standing there glaring manik

M : what

A : why did you agree for shopping you idiot

M : actually my baby asked me so I agreed

With this cabir and abhi started punching manik

M : guys stop its hurting

C : okay now I'm leaving you but if you do that next time surely I'll kill you

A : yeah I second you

M : okay now lets go with them

C : no yaar I cant I'm hungry

A : what 1 hour back only you ate 5 parathas

C : so what its not 1 hour back its 60 minutes back 60 MINUTES we can go to food court and wait for them

M, A : bhukkad

Cabir gave a 'whatever' look to them whereas abhi and manik gave a 'you-will-never-change' look and cabir shrugged his shoulders.

M : come lets go to food court I'll message them

With this they moved to food court and ordered their food all this was seen by D4 and was burning in anger.

After the girls shopping they moved to food court and saw boys there. Girls took their seats next to their partners fully exhausted. D4 also without their notice took their seats next to their tables and watching whats's going on there but this was noticed by both avni and cabir and gave a look to each other.

M : what did you shop baby

N : mani I shopped for our baby

M : really show me

N : see

Nandini showed what she bought. Soon their order came all ate the food with lots of teasing and leg pulling after completion they paid the bill and left to mansion.


Devils and D4 reached to the mansion at the same time surprised, and shocked seeing the persons in the living room....

Devils : mom dad

Yes they are raj malhotra, Neyonica malhotra, ashish khanna and neela khanna

All devils ran and hugged them. While D4 were shocked seeing Neyonica their and manik hugging Neyonica. But they didn't noticed D4.

R, Ny, As, Ne : surprise bacha

M : wow mom's and dad's what a surprise

N : but papa you are coming next week right

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