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R : ishwari murthy (amms) never liked our friendhip nor sunaina as yash wife because yash got a marriage proposal of swetha oberoi, oberoi's only daughter but yash rejected as he love sunaina ishwari muthy wanted yash to marry her because of her greed but yash married sunaina without ishwari murthy's consent.

As : that angers ishwari murthy and she hated sunaina most as she thinks that because of sunaina only yash rejected swetha oberoi proposal. She liked swetha only because she was richer and top businessman daughter. Learning all these yash left India and ishwari murthy, he went to USA and launched his company there which became successful within 2 years we all also opened our own companies and married our love but seeing raj married to Neyonica and growing heights with his company and hardwork made anmol furious his jealous and anger turned to hate when manik was born and they are a happy family.

R : within months gap and year gap you all the kids were born and we are happy in our lives as we have everything which a human needs money, power, friends a happy family.

As : seeing these all ishwari murthy and anmol malhotra grown envious towards us as malhotra's shares are on the name of manik and murthy's shares are on the name of abhi and nandu, khanna's and dhawan's are on avni and cabir respectively. But in murthy's and malhotra's case if manik, abhi and nandu died their properties will automatically transferred to orphanage if in case abhi died abhi's properties automatically transferred to nandu if abhi is not married.

R : anmol and ishwariji learned about these somehow and they both wanted our properties so ishwariji planned and murdered yash, sunaina and abhi when they are returning to Mumbai after vacation and falsely took nandu's custody so that she can take all the property but when she took the custody she leant that to transfer nandu's shares and property nandu need to be married and her 50% of shares are on the name of her husband so to transfer nandu's properties her husband sign is important without that she cant transfer.

As : but unfortunately to her badluck abhi was alive and with us but at the same day unknowingly anmol failed raj car brakes in which ram, priya and raj were travelling learning about car brake failed ram pushed raj but raj went into coma as he hits his head to the stone we were scared to see all these so we hide abhi and cabir but we failed to protect nandu and manik. But Neyonica didn't even scared she fought with everyone to keep manik and nandu safe

Ny : on that day only we came to know that these both accidents were done by ishwariji and anmol but anmol blackmailed me to kill manik if I didn't do what he said because of that I have pretended to hate manik. And abhi also after knowing about ishwari murthy protected nandu by not disclosing his identity but nandu recognized him.

As : on that day onwards we are protecting you guys

Ny : we never wanted to reveal all these but yesterday I got a call from a detective that anmol, ishwariji and harshad landed in London.

Everyone were silent after hearing all these nandu is more affected in all

N : because of the shares and properties amms wanted me to marry someone without my consent and she hated manik as he is neyo maa son

Even though nandini said that in a low voice that was heard by all. On hearing that raj nodded his head as yes. Nandini felt like her whole life is a lie with fake love around her and she is crying histerically, seeing nandini all were tensed for her as she is also pregnant and this information is too much to handle for her.

Manik hugged nandini to calm her down but she is not stopping and she fainted in manik's arms.

Seeing nandini like that manik panicked and all were worried for her manik tried to wake her up by patting her cheeks.

M : nanhi baby wake up please

R : manu take her to room

Nodding manik took nandu in his arms and rushed towards their room slowly layed nandini on bed meanwhile cabir called doctor and informed to come murthy mansion as soon as possible manik is now scared about nandini condition. He without blinking his eyes held her hand in his hand and watching her.

Soon doctor came and checked nandini.

M : doctor what happened to my wife

Dr : nothing to worry Mr. Malhotra she is fine due to shock and stress she fainted I have already given her sedatives she will be up soon and make sure she didn't take stress next time.

M : okay thank you doctor

C : come doctor I'll drop you till the door

Doctor nodded patted manik's shoulder and left from there with cabir.

Now everyone was worried for nandini as she is their weak point that ishwari murthy, anmol malhotra, and harshad saxena could target.

Everyone settled in living room except D4 and nandini as nandini is still unconscious and D4 in their rooms.

Everyone in living room are thinking how to trap their enemies and send them to jail.


PRECAP : cabir and avni birthday



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