Chapter 22

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"Lala, wake up." My left eye was soon pried open, and I looked over to Violeta. She smiled at me, and I gave her a sleepy one in return. I sat up and realized Noor wasn't here anymore.

"She went to that one place she did yesterday." Am I really that readable?

"What time is it?" She looked over to the bedside and pointed at the clock. I looked over and found it only to be seven in the morning.

"Right, there's a clock there. I can't believe anyone has clocks on their bedside tables anymore." Violeta shrugged at me.

"I dunno. Can we go eat breakfast now?" As soon as I started moving, she jumped off the bed with a happy squeal. Why are most kids always wide awake and full of energy in the morning?

We made our way downstairs, and I found that we were the last ones to be in there. Okay, I guess everyone is a morning person except me. Violeta already chose my seat for me, which was right beside her. The table was full of so much food. It looked like how I picture someone who ordered the whole menu at a restaurant.

"You should go for the chicken and waffles. You can't go wrong." Brandon muffled out his suggestion with a mouth full of food. Kind of disgusting. I just gave him a weird look and grabbed a huge waffle and a couple of pieces of chicken. I took a bite, and I cannot describe how delicious the food was.

I know it may sound hella lame, but I miss Noor a lot. She's only been gone for a few hours, and it feels like years.

"Hey, loser! You want to go do something?" I was a little startled when Nina popped up out of nowhere and threw herself on the couch beside me. I leaned my head back and groaned.

"Yes, please. I need a distraction. What do you have in mind?" She looked off in thought, and then her eyes lit up.

"Let's go to that one outlet mall across town. You know the one with the Dippin' Dots?" I shot straight up to my feet.

"Now you're speaking my language. Let's go."I am absolutely in love with Dippin' Dots.

"I knew that would get you to go." She stood up, giving me a teasing smile. I just pushed her shoulder slightly, but when she went flying to the ground. I'm still getting used to how much stronger I am.

"Shit, sorry, Nina." I helped her off the ground, and she just looked at me, shocked.

"When did you become so strong?" I shrugged and let out a nervous laugh.

"I just work out a lot. Come on, let's go." I didn't give her a chance to respond as I grabbed her hand with one of mine and, with the other, picked up the keys to her car.

"You drive." I handed her the keys. I hate driving.

The drive there was good. We caught up on each other's lives. Well, I mostly told her lies. I hated that I had to lie to everyone I loved here. I hope I can be honest with them one day, but I feel like that's a long shot.

"Hey, what's wrong? You got a depressed look on your face all of a sudden." I sighed and turned my attention towards the window.

"I just miss Noor." That wasn't a lie, I did miss her very much and was a little sad about that, but my expression is because I'm lying to my family.

"I can tell you two are very close. I've never seen you like this before." She lightly tapped her fingers on the steering wheel—something she does when she wants to say something but doesn't know-how.

"Just spit it out." She glanced over at me wide-eyed. I don't know why she's so shocked that I pick up on and know what her mannerisms mean. Another thing she does is that when she's tired, she starts twirling her hair.

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