Chapter 30

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"Lareina! Keres, he's up there!" I hear my sister shout out from the left of me. I looked forward and saw the ugly bastard a ways ahead of us.

I felt a huge surge of energy flow through me. This brought a new level of determination. I could feel myself fighting harder and quicker to get to Keres. Every time I thought I was getting closer, another wave of these shadow people kept coming. I was getting very, very frustrated.

One after another, I blasted my powers through these shadow beings. The ones who could get close to me burned themselves by touching me. It gave me plenty of time after that to use my powers on them to disintegrate them.

"They keep coming! I feel like we haven't made any progress on getting closer to Keres!" I shouted over to Noor. I saw her take a quick glance over the shadow beings.

"Yeah, we haven't even made a dent. I don't understand where they are all coming from. They just keep appearing!" Hannah was soon beside us and blasted about twenty of them back.

"They are going to keep popping up too. Keres knows you are his weakness. He is going to stop at nothing to keep you away from him and at the very least tire you enough so when you do face him, you will be exhausted and not at your best." I took in all of Hannah's information. She's entirely right. This has got to be his plan, well, at least part of it. I disintegrated another shadow being and looked over at Hannah. Her eyes were completely black, her demon side making its presence known.

"So, what do I do?" She handed me a vile.

"Take this." She stopped me from taking the little corkscrew out. "Not now. Wait until we get closer to Keres. It will give you a surge of energy, but it won't last that long." I nodded and put the vile in my pocket.

"Got it!" She soon made her way to our right, back where Naiomi is.

I kept pushing myself toward Keres. My nerves, at their widths, end with these waves of shadow beings. I was fucking over it. I felt this electricity buzz throughout my body, and I could hear a crackling around me. I waved my hands aggressively out around me and saw blinding light flash out from me. It traveled towards Keres, disintegrating every shadow being in its wake. The movement felt so natural.

"Fucking finally!" I made powerful strides toward Keres. We both had our eyes locked on one another.

I was so close to him when another shadow being appeared in front of me. I almost disintegrated them but stopped as soon as I realized who it was. It was my dad. I felt everything in me deflate. I could feel my eyes searching, what eyes could barely be made out of my father's.

"Dad?" He gave me a sad look before he took a combative pose. "Dad, what are you doing?" I looked behind him briefly toward Keres. "Stop! Let him go!" Keres gave me an evil, bone-chilling grin. I felt my face whip to the side. I looked up at my dad to see a look of pain flash through his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Lareina. I'm not in control." He started to come near me, and I just tried to evade him the best I could. "Fight back, Lareina!" I shook my head at him.

"No, I won't fight you. I'll hurt you. I don't want to disintegrate you." He caught me by the arms, and he let out some pain-filled whimpers.

"You must." He looked into my eyes. "Please, Lareina. Free me." His voice pleaded with me. I could feel my stomach drop.

"I don't want to lose you again." I could hear my voice slightly break. I tried to yank my arms from his grip so he would stop burning himself. But, instead, his grip tightened on me. He quickly had me turned around, and his hand was on my throat.

"You've already lost me." I felt what I believe are claws elongate from his fingers. I then felt his hand shift slightly, preparing themselves for the swift motion of slitting my throat open.

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