Chapter 24

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"Okay, this page is talking about what they were like as a child." I was about to continue when Noor interjected into the conversation.

"Love, I don't mean to sound rash... But, as much as this information is nice and all, can we just skip to the part that tells us how to defeat this monster?" I huffed.

"I guess we can, but reading all of this might be valuable later on. Maybe there is something in his past that we can use to catch him off guard." She looked up, throwing what I said around in her head.

"You're right. I'm just impatient. I feel like a clock is running out of time on us defeating this guy." Hannah and Naiomi brought over bowls of some sort of pasta to all of us.

"Thank god! I am starving!" Nina said loudly, then dug into her food like she hadn't eaten in years.

"Umm... Hello...." Nina looked up at me with a mouthful of pasta and some sauce on her face. She gave me a questioning look. "First off, wipe your face; I haven't seen you this messy since you decided to fall asleep into the rice and beans when you were five. Secondly, stop eating like a slob." I paused as she gulped down her food and wiped her face. "Now, tell Hannah and Naiomi thank you." I gestured over to the mated pair sitting across from her.

"Umm... Thank you. It's very delicious." Nina thanked them in a timid voice. She proceeded to eat her food but like a civilized being this time.

"Let's take a break from translating and just relax while we are eating. I don't want to talk about the puppeteer guy while we eat, okay?" Noor reluctantly nodded her head, agreeing to my terms and conditions. I looked around at everyone else, and they nodded their heads as well.

"Amazing. So, Nina, what have all of you been up to since I've been gone?" She looked up at me and was about to talk with a mouthful of food before I gave her a look. She immediately stopped and swallowed her bite of food before continuing.

"Honestly, not that much has changed since you left, besides us moving into that new house." She looked over to Noor now. "I'm sure I have you to thank for that. So, thank you for taking care of not only my sister but the rest of us." Noor waved her off.

"It's no big deal. I'd do anything for your sister and her family. You all are now my family as well." This made me smile big. I'm so happy to hear her say that.

"So, where are you really living?" I looked over at Noor, not knowing if this was something I could answer.

"Another dimension or world, so to say. It's not on Earth; we can leave it at that." She hummed.

"Can I go back with you two?" Again I looked at Noor. I was kind of pleading with my eyes that Nina could come with us. Noor sighed.

"Yes, you can come with us. Only for a little bit, though, okay?" Nina squealed out in happiness. I gave Noor's hand a thankful squeeze and flashed her a big smile.

"So, tell me how you two met?" I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "Oh, this should be a great story." Nina pushed her empty bowl aside and looked at me with her full attention.

"So these two random-ass people showed up at our house, right? Their names are Zelda and Jasper; you'll meet them later. Anyways, they showed up and said that I was claimed and was to go with them to the person who claimed me." I looked over at Noor. "Don't understand how you even knew I was your mate. We've never met before." Before Noor could answer, I turned back to Nina. "Going on... So I'm basically forced to transport to her world; you feel like shit the first time doing it, so be prepared. I'm then put in this weird advanced vehicle that hovers low to the ground and goes hella fast. We get to this fucking huge castle/palace, and my door opens abruptly, making me fall face-first into the ground. Jasper is a dick, just FYI." I rolled my eyes and huffed, remembering that moment and him. "I got up and dusted myself and looked over to find Noor. She didn't say much, just had me follow her into this throne room, she asked for this old-looking man to come over to her, and at first, I thought he was the one that was my supposed soulmate. I shut it down quickly, saying no way was I going to be with him, etc..... Etc...." I pointed my thumb over in Noor's direction. "And that's when Noor flipped me on the ground and put her heel to my throat and told me I was her soulmate, not the old dude. I was intimidated and extremely relieved at the same time." Nina was dying from laughter, and Hannah had wide eyes.

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