(!FxM) An Unexpected Visit

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The only good thing about a house party is that.... nothing, there's nothing good about it when everyone invited sucks. Middle-aged men and women, valiantly talking the day away mindless with boredom.

I could still hear their chatter seeping up from the living room all the way upstairs, reaching my ears while I sat in bed. Truly it was all a shamble- a farce, no way someone could enjoy that for *hours*, not to mention all the food I'd slaved over to bake with my mother.

"Hmph," I mutter softly, sinking my back into my bed with my eyes glued to my phone, my thumb reaching over to click onto YouTube and--!

Dad finally figured out how to disable the WiFi. 


Do I actually have to associate? With who? The seven-year-old girls? No way that's happening! Those kids are fearsome and banished from my room, even if they haven't taken a single step inside! Pre-banished! 

Alright Y/N, think of your options. It's the modern world, there's plenty of things to do! Like, watch YouTube, Snapchat, TikTok, Wattpad, chat with C/N, wait those all need WiFi! Okay, there's also plenty of things that don't need WiFi and are fun! Like... Chess! And sleep!

Kill me now.

I roll my eyes, my feet pressing against my bedroom floor hoisting myself up with my eyes gazing over at my door.

Hours pass, then days, months, years, I was going to grow a beard at this rate. How old had I become? How much time has pass-

Oh, it's been ten minutes.

I suppose those smart people are right when they say phones give you a shorter attention span.

Knock, knock. 

It was a gentle thud on the door but more than enough to grab my attention, eyes gazing over the door curiously.

"Come i-"

"I'm letting myself in." I could tell who it was from his voice. I've known it, memorized it, dreamt of it whispering sweet-nothings into my ear-- not that I would confess.

Not that he doesn't deserve it entering a lady's room unannounced.

The door creaked open and there he stood, C/N, right in the door-frame of your room. 

"Why are you here?"

"Figured you'd be bored, plus my dad knows your dad so I tagged along."

"Idiot, why didn't you come up here sooner?"

"I ah... got very addicted to Candy Crush and Wattpad?"

"Lame." You gaze over at him, your eyes mimicking your words as you sit-up into your bed to better see your Wattpad/Candy-Crush addicted crush.

"I am not! You're the one sitting in bed while there's a party going on." He rebutes, chuckling slightly as he plops himself down on your bed. The balls on this man.

Not that I neccessarily mind...

"Hmph." I cross my arms proudly across my chest as my eyes run over C/N's face. There was just something about him, especially when I was close to him that made my heart flutter. It felt like a sweet dream, a temporary yet sweet, engulfing childish bliss, where all worries seemed to fade away.

"Y/N... You there?"


What? Why is he so close? I can feel his breath hitting down onto my face, his eyes looking at me, lips curled slightly upward in a smirk, I'm too distracted by staring. He's so close, way too close for my heart to take.

"What do you want?" You whisper softly, eyes gazing into his. 

"Nothing, just wanted to make sure you're there for this." He smiles, his lips nearing yours. It felt so sudden, so dramatic as if the rest of the world had grown silent.

Consent have you heard of i-!

Contact. Sweet, warm contact with your lips pressed up against his, eyes shutting as you shuffle on your bed. It felt... warm, connected, loved, and it was all with C/N. He'd just walked in, it was all so sudden, but boredom had become a thing of the past the moment he'd entered the room.

It became hard for me to control how excited I was and stop an awkward smile from appearing at the end of our kiss.

(P.S: If you go to party kids, you have a statistically 0.005% of seeing your crush there! Would not recommend it if you see your uncle in a white van offering loli-pops.)

(Word count: 719, give me prompts/roles/stuff, peoples.)

To C/N.Where stories live. Discover now