Chapter One: Moving away

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It's been two years since Larry left the museum. Only after a year working here, someone calls him and proposes him to finance his inventions, and insted of declining the offer, he leaves us all to become a powerful business man by founding "Daley Devices".

McPhee hadn't hired any other night guard, and I try to do my best to fill the empty place Larry left, but it's complicated. For how much I love spending time with Ahk, Teddy and all the others, sometimes I need to get some rest, afterall I'm not a night guard, I'm a researcher.

The museum was getting less famous, and to renew, the Board had decided to replace some of the exhibits with new interactive tecnology.

On that day I was at the museum, I was going to stay at night, even because it would have been that last night all together.

I was in the Main Hall with McPhee, sitting behind the Information Desk, when someone came in

-Hey! Hello! Excuse me! Only authorized personnel!- started McPhee, but then stopped -Oh, it's you. Here for one of your nostalgia tours? Haven't seen you in a few months-

I raised my eyes from the desk  and I saw Larry. I felt the anger rising

-Well, look who's here, Mr. Success Story in person, what an honor- I said sarcastically

-Yeah, ehm, hi Alice. Goodevening McPhee. What's... what's going on here?- Larry asked, pointing at all the boxes around us

-Progress, so they tell me. The future- started McPhee, going near to a spherical device -Behold Natural History version 2.0-

He pressed a button and a hologram appeared. We heard a gallopping sound, and the image of Teddy Roosevelt riding Texas appeared, and started talking in a robot like voice

-Welcome to the Museum of Natural History, where History comes to life! Step up, make your question, then let the next boy or girl have there turn-

Larry hesitated a second

-Ok, ehm, where were you born?-

-Right here in New York City, on the 28th Street, October 27th the year of our Lord 1858-

McPhee made rewind the video and turned off the holographic projector

-Blah, blah, blah. History, history, learning, learning. Changing America one child at the time-

-So, great, you're adding some new interactive exhibits?-

-No, Mr. Daley, not adding. Replacing the old exhibits-

-Where are they going?-

-Away! We'll get rid of all of this junk: the dear armors, the wax works, even some of the shabbier animals, like... this ratty little monkey- said McPhee, picking Dexter from one of the crates

-You should... be careful, he's a capuchin- started Larry

-He's a monkey-

-He's a rare breed, a capuchin, not just a monkey-

-Monkey, then I said monkey. Why be specific? When you throw away a monkey you don't need the latin name-

-Are you throwing them away or moving them?-

-Who are you?! The Primate Saviour?! Please, let it go baby!- McPhee said hirritated, and put Dexter back into his crate

-Whose idea was this?- asked Larry

-Me of course, I'm in charge! Me and the Board!... Mainly the Board. Anyway, what do you care?-

-No, it's just, people love this stuff-

Battle of the Smithsonian (sequel to Night at the Museum "From Sunset to Dawn")Where stories live. Discover now