Chapter Three: The Smithsonian

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The next day we were in Washington DC. We had spent the night in a useless luxurious hotel only thanks to Larry, and now I was trying to catch a taxi while Larry was speaking with Nicky at the phone

-Ok buddy, 15:07 p.m., Federal Archives of the Smithsonian. Where exactly am I going?-

-That's the thing Dad, the Smithsonian is actually 19 different museums, they lay out around the National Mall, from the Capitol to the Lincoln Memorial. They got everything there. There's actually some really cool stuff-

-Nicky, please focus, in which museum are the Archives set?-

-Not "in", "under". It looks like they extend under the entire Smithsonian-

-So if Ahkmenrah's Tablet is down there...-

-The biggest museum in the world is coming to life-

I finally managed to stop a taxi and we got in

-Where to?- the driver asked

-The Smithsonian Museum, please- I said. The driver nodded and started driving

-What exactly is your plan here, Dad?-

-Don'y worry about it-

-You have no plan, do you?-

-No, Nicholas, I have a very good, highly thought out, plan-

-You have no plan-

-Yes, I have no plan. I'll call you when I'm in-

We got down the taxi in front of the Capitol. I had never been to Washington, so despite everything I was very exited, and I immediately took a picture of the building

-So, where to first?- Larry asked

-Air and Space, that's right in front of us- I said

We entered the first museum, and our jaws dropped. It was amazing. Reproductions of old ameican planes were hanging from the ceiling, mostly ones from the World Wars.

-Nicky wasn't kidding, this place is awesome!- I said


We climbed the stairs to the second floor, and we found a woman talking to a group of visitors

-Welcome to the biggest museum in the world! I know right? It's a trip. How about these planes hanging from the ceiling, huh? Pretty weird-

We went to her

-Hi, excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the Federal Archives?- asked Larry

-Of course, just be a historical document and you'll be stored for all eternity-

They all giggled. I raised an eyebrow. The woman talked again

-I'm kidding, he's not a document. I'm sorry, Sir, the archives are underground and they're Secure area-

-Really? Like, totally secure? Ok, thank you- said Larry, and we went away

-I still don't get your american jokes- I said. Larry smiled.

Battle of the Smithsonian (sequel to Night at the Museum "From Sunset to Dawn")Where stories live. Discover now