Chapter Eight: Lincoln

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Larry and Amelia sprinted away from the telephone box while Alice and Ahkmenrah were distracting Ivan. They went straight to the Lincoln Memorial

-We should be okay in here for a while- said Larry

They climed the stairs all the way to the top and hid behind one of the columns. The statue of Abraham Lincoln was huge and intimidating from that point of view. They peeked out from the column and saw Alice and Ahk running towards the Castle and suddenly disappearing

-How is that possible?- asked Amelia with a confused expression

-Well, Alice is pretty particular, she has somekind of egyptian powers so I think they're alright- said Larry

Ivan and his men started going around the park again, but always in front of Air and Space. Amelia broke the silence that had formed

-Tell me, Mr Daley, do you have a lady friend?-


-I mean, you're not horrible to look at. A certain kind of woman would even find you attractive. So what's your story?-

-Uh, my story is, I don't have a story. I mean, I used to have a story, but we worked together at the museum back in New York, and then I got kinda busy, and the story... ended-

-"Busy"? Busy is not a reason, Mr Daley. Busy is an excuse-

-Well, whatever it was, she left-

-Perhaps you gave her no reason to stay-

Larry shrugged

-Yeah, okay, thanks for the life coaching-

Amelia sat down and looked at Larry for a while

-So what do you do now? Since your lady friend left you-

-Uh, I sort of... design products and sell them-

-You're an inventor!-

-I am! I am an inventor. Yeah, I invent stuff...-

-Like the rocket ship??-


-The sea plane!-


-The dirigible??-

-No, not aircraft. Sort of like more small scale stuff like uh... glow in the dark flashlight, is something that... that was mine-

-So... this new job, do you like it?-

-Yeah! I like it, I like it a lot, it's exiting... it's... what?-

Amelia was staring at him a bit puzzled

-I'm just confused,is all. If your not exited by it why do you do it?-

-I am, I am exited about it, I just said...-

-I know what you said, Mr Daley, but what I see in front of me is a man who's lost his moxy-

Larry stared at her for a bit

-I have not lost my... I've not... I have my moxy. Look, I couldn't really be a night guard at a museum for the rest of my life-

-Why, was it a bad job?-

-No, it was an awesome job, I loved it, but that's not the point. I had to do something more with my life-

-Something more?-

-Yeah, I mean, why did you become a pilot?-

Amelia stared at him for a second

-You wanna know why I became a pilot?-

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